This might do damage, but it won’t beat my entry. Mine does about the same amount (when used properly) and gets bonus points for have multiple configurations.
What do u consider obliterated? Cuz I have a frag bomb that can sink it pretty quick, but not absolutely demolish it cuz us iOS players can’t get damn mods
Cool, but it destroys the aircraft. I won’t penalize you, since you didn’t know.
@Mobius1Cyka K, but I’m keeping lag, since some designs have low part counts but high lag
@ACEPILOT109 Same lol
@Bob9998 But... you kinda did by previewing it
Like, not using an engine as an engine, but as part of a bigger contraption like spinning a rotor blade
@Bob9998 But you still technically get rick rolled, you still go to the page and see it, just in a tiny window
It’s a rick roll. Not falling for it.
Can I re-post my bomb to make it able survive the termisphere?
Oh so you just stole the concept of my nuke and made it weaker
@Hellosss38 Me too. If you try it, you’ll know why I never got around to testing.
@GTAEnterprises @SilverStar Lol ik but at least it’s pre-done
Eradicates virus
Great ideas!
Comment if you have any feedback!
@lfs2007 Wdym
This might do damage, but it won’t beat my entry. Mine does about the same amount (when used properly) and gets bonus points for have multiple configurations.
A bit hard to control with ag 1, but cool!
@Brendorkus Good ideas!
Wait, when are the results coming?
I feel pretty good about my little... bom- I mean project
@KrAkenAtomic Somehow it wasn’t a successor, but it will win by far
It happened earlier, but now it’s fine
@KrAkenAtomic Oh, well mine sinks it fast, but not brutally. I’ll post it and see what u think
What do u consider obliterated? Cuz I have a frag bomb that can sink it pretty quick, but not absolutely demolish it cuz us iOS players can’t get damn mods
@Amazingavaitor12 I got it recently, like 13 days ago since I made my account the day I got it
@KrAkenAtomic But I’m on iOS, we can’t cuz of the app store’s policy
@Fighterpilot91 Ikr
@asteroidbook345 K
@asteroidbook345 Hey, can you help with this?
Hey, at least you have gold. I don’t.
@CaRb0Nb01 Thx
@KrAkenAtomic I can’t do mods, I’m on mobile... lol
Aww, mods are allowed? I’ve got no hope, lol
@Amazingavaitor12 Thx. Wait, what? You have a really similar one... lol
@Jesuslivesinyou Thx
@TrislandianAlliance Yea
@TrislandianAlliance Hmm
Thx so much for bronze! Now let’s go get silver!
You think THAT’S good? I can make some EPIC missiles.
@Amazingavaitor12 You can beat this? It goes up for like twenty minutes in FAST FORWARD HOW CAN YOU BEAT THAT?!?!
@Gnome360 Hmm
@Hellosss38 I’ll tag u soon
@KrAkenAtomic Lol ik
@AndrewGarrison Umm can u help with da screenshots? I don’t think I did anything wrong with the code...
@TheMachinist K I’ll tag u with the beta soon
@SnoWFLakE0s It is tho, it’s a jpg you can even look at the link
@SnoWFLakE0s Yeah it’s still giving me crap