2,222 GiG4

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joined 2.0 years ago

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Note by me: I'm rarely active in the SP website so I recommend you DM my discord if you want to contact me (username: gigachad4721#0000)

Idk what happened cuz none of the images are showing below idk why

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As a highschooler, I can understand the torture of teachers 😭😭

I like making replicas or recreate irl or fictional aircrafts (mostly fighters of WW2)

Some images : )

Me seeing ZainMan updoot all my builds cuz I commented first on his post/forum:

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A motivational quote of one of my (not anymore) friend:
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Osama on crack:

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Some links 🙂

Crabs kingdom (disc server) 🦀

My YouTube

random must check wholesome video 😁😌

US Government Classified Documents that some Russian guy found

In case if you want to contact me:

discord: gigachad4721#0000

Jump to Juno account (I don't even have juno 💀)

Previously known as WTBPAK47, GUGA4721