0 GlitchedGamerYT Comments

  • J52 - Flaming Foxfury 7.0 years ago

    @Sparrow007 Well, I took your design, but made it less of a stealth fighter. What I tried to make it was a plane (that does exist) (i forgot the name of it) that flies super-sonic and still maneuvers well. Your plane did this, but at certain speeds turning just blew it apart for me. This was my way of fixing it. This was more for fun than realism though, so yeah. Thats it! Thanks for checking out my creation!

  • Halberd Mk II 7.5 years ago

    Hey sparrow, your creation was AMAZING, but after seeing it, I wanted to see what I could make of it, and turns out mine ended up sorta like a J20, so I named it the J52 - Flaming Foxfury. Do you mind checking it out and telling me how I did? I would love it!!! https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/40LSEh/J52-Flaming-Foxfury (you could just go to your successors tab, im the only one xD)