0 Grayson10 Comments

  • AIRCRAFT CARRIER 5.1 years ago

    Can you fly the planes of are they just there for looks just wonderin’

  • Mil Mi-17 Indonesian United Nations 4.1 years ago

    @IdnManufacturer As I know they tried to put out the fires with special chemicalsfor some reason it was very dumbthat would smother the fires but it didn’t work very well

  • Mil Mi-17 Indonesian United Nations 4.1 years ago

    Isn’t this that helicopter the russians used when Reactor 4 in CNPP exploded and started a BIIIIG fire in the power plant and they used the helicopters to put out the fireor at least try to put it out

  • Nukes 4.2 years ago

    @JwpAviation yeah I understand

  • Nukes 4.4 years ago

    I wish simpleplanes supported mods for ios

  • Sound Barrier 1.0 (no mod) 4.4 years ago

    So how do you make this a part in the parts section with no mods

  • I BROKE THE GAME 4.6 years ago

    @horatio true,soldier We all need a break from the extreme stress

  • Working QR Code 4.1 years ago

    I saw the comments and then I didn’t scan it

  • Godzilla walker 4.1 years ago

    @winterro I understand but I wish jundroo would add custom armor plates that take on certain weapons

  • Godzilla walker 4.1 years ago

    Please make the creature stronger bc the body can’t even take a missle but awesome build!

  • Nukes 4.2 years ago

    @Jwpdaviesjr well stuff like these kind of mods

  • Traditional Chinese Food - Moon Cakes 4.4 years ago

    Let me guess,you made this because over the moon just came out

  • Hovercraft Dynamic Cushion 4.4 years ago

    So I was thinking can you make like a bombing target like a(mobile friendly)city or like maybe a big(again mobile friendly)military base for bombing

  • Cessna Citation X 4.4 years ago

    I like how the doors lock mid flight and when in water which is very realistic and how the doors close once you get to about 3-5 mph very creative and how do they lock do pistons hold the door closed.

  • I BROKE THE GAME 4.5 years ago

    Good job soldier@horatio

  • Nukes 4.7 years ago

    Can you pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeee put this as a steady mod on iphone

  • Is this how to build a jet? 5.0 years ago

    O.M.G. Awesome jet build just slap some weapons and an awesome paint job on it and you’re ready to go!!!!!

  • St. Nicks's Naughty List Triple Shot Artillery 5.2 years ago

    YA!Those furries are dead 💀

  • Abandon all hope 5.3 years ago


  • DA NUKE 5.3 years ago

    It blew me under the map a little bit!!!!