45 GreenMountainBoy Comments

  • brake lights for Flu 5.9 years ago

    Fuselage Block. Then click on the size numbers and type "0.01" width, height, length should all be that.

    I also fidgeted with the shocks strength, and block weight usually just 50lbs to get the perfect balance. Don't want it to mushy. Makes it seem like the pilot is bouncing around the cockpit during a hard landing. And damper helps control bounce effect while strength controls the G-Force effect. If that helps

    The camera view isn't center with the lense either so you have to really nudge the shock down with "connected parts" selected when fudging it into place, tiny shocks work to. Cameras can't click to shock but fuselage blocks can, so make one 0.01 cubed and stick that to the shock, then the camera to that. Camera becomes cockpit view to get the G-Force effect. I hide the actual cockpit inside the plane, outta sight or use it as a different view point cosmetically somewhere.

  • brake lights for Flu 5.9 years ago

    2Times. Fews sizes up, few sizes down. I like building small R/C type things and creating my own courses to fly through using saved locations. Tiny wenches and magnets, little choppers or drones would be fun now. But I like building heavy lifters to.

    Here's another thing I did. I put a camera, on a .01 block, on a shock! Placed that where the pilot sits and nudge the camera to the pilots point of view. The result is a squishy cam effect I call G-Force cam. Also gives a great touch down effect when seeing the difference between a rough or soft landing. But....no one has scaled the camera either for my tiny R/C course. Maybe those to? And then I want you to create that G-Force cam (Shock/.01 Block/Camera), very simple to do! Then upload it for everybodys enjoyment under your own credit of design! People will like it. Once the idea is out there people may start incorporating it into all their designs.
    Putting it in a car is cool to, but further development for a left to right sway, front to back when accelerating or bracking, plus the up/down effect when going over jump gives driving a whole new flavor! All yours to take credit for if you could scale down those parts for me.

    But call it something cool like (G-Force:POV )

  • brake lights for Flu 5.9 years ago

    Can you scale the new 1.8 update stuff? Been looking

  • Tiny Control Parts 5.9 years ago

    Can you make some small scaled parts from the new 1.8 update?
    Smaller Winch,Magnet, Arrestor Cable,Heli Parts,etc..?

  • Indicator Lights 6.4 years ago

    Can you make lights for Air to Air and Air to Ground?

  • G O O D B O Y 6.4 years ago


  • XML Modded Jet Engines 6.4 years ago

    Where can find all the scaled stuff?

  • 1000000 hp engine for defendmyadvil 7.4 years ago

    For who?....(snag), I'll take that!

  • Some Special Engines 8.1 years ago

    What's special about them?

  • Ultralight 8.2 years ago

    Nice Tailwheel ;)

  • Plymouth Road runner superbird 8.2 years ago

    Richard Petty

  • Simple Stationary Turret 8.3 years ago

    Nice work. ;)