Man, I hope that the tail of the plane don’t caught on fire and then fell off causing the worst air disaster in the history of Germany…
@Majakalona noted.
It’s a video game
You don’t know what Roblox is?
@Gabriel747 agreed, banana plane
It’s so weird to see a Soviet airliner in a Australian airline livery
@Beardymcbeard cuz Funni
Oh crap I just realized I spelled have as “havs”
Sussy air 😰😰😰😳😳😳
@ThatRandomCouchPotato good question, I don’t really know
@AuroraPlanes yeah idk what I was drinking while making this
@AuroraPlanes thanks for replying to it!
@Averageairframeenjoyer lmao
@Decembermin the next time I will make a plane I will credit original creator.
@Transair56 But there is a thing called auto credit
@Transair56 I might make a eastwind Boeing 737 soon
His yt name is “cometiscool”
I might make aer lingus flight 712 with this
Please do eastwind, it will be really cool
Hey look guys! It’s the funny Boeing 747 with propellers!
Man, I hope that the tail of the plane don’t caught on fire and then fell off causing the worst air disaster in the history of Germany…
+4@Majakalona noted.
+1It’s a video game
+1You don’t know what Roblox is?
+1@Gabriel747 agreed, banana plane
+1It’s so weird to see a Soviet airliner in a Australian airline livery
+1@CL125 WHAT
+1@Beardymcbeard cuz Funni
Oh crap I just realized I spelled have as “havs”
Sussy air 😰😰😰😳😳😳
@ThatRandomCouchPotato good question, I don’t really know
@AuroraPlanes yeah idk what I was drinking while making this
@AuroraPlanes thanks for replying to it!
@Averageairframeenjoyer lmao
@Decembermin the next time I will make a plane I will credit original creator.
@Transair56 But there is a thing called auto credit
@Transair56 I might make a eastwind Boeing 737 soon
His yt name is “cometiscool”
I might make aer lingus flight 712 with this
Please do eastwind, it will be really cool
Hey look guys! It’s the funny Boeing 747 with propellers!