Don't have a heat gun I'ma pry the screen off that phone dry the inside and try to do a data recovery battery is probably fried cause it was plugged in when it happened charger is okay however
@GuardianAerospace no God cosmic being or anyone could understand how stupid you were for a while seems like you really are doing good on the world record!
@DatFiat126Fan19 no that was serious the studf you see in the comments here with themouse is a joke
@DatFiat126Fan19 in terms of the gaurdian guy he is a moron i blocked him in terms of the mouse i was joking
@DatFiat126Fan19 im not stealing their opinions what the hell
Be quick
@DatFiat126Fan19 please rephrase that in a way that doesnt sound like a angry 13 year old spelt it
Someone clearly cant understsnd a joke i aint adding no "/s"
@DatFiat126Fan19 the hell did you say?
@SamTheUncle oh still ill blow your house up
Unknown platinum user!
Who are you
@SamTheUncle ill blow up your house with a b52
@DatFiat126Fan19 yellow protectors people lrsve them on and they damage the splitter
@Graingy can the netherlands just sink snd never exist
+1"I'm starting the Lancaster again" one year ago
What the hell why did you feel the need to terrorize people?
+6@OrangeConnor2 alcohol go in phone screen destroy phone screen and phone no turn on
The charger I built is not okay
Don't have a heat gun I'ma pry the screen off that phone dry the inside and try to do a data recovery battery is probably fried cause it was plugged in when it happened charger is okay however
Canada is literally the middle of nowhere nothing except for snow
@TheMouse pretty sure he got banned a while ago
@Majakalona >>Antialiasing>Antialiasing.setenabled True //maincamera>camera.setdepth 10 //MainCamera>camera.set_fieldOfView 10
+1My command settings for screenshot
@TheMouse lifted off road diesel charger SRT
+1Delays happened
Sorry gonna be released 6 pm
LCDs be like
Burn in
Bad refresh rate
Dont leave it on for decades oh and CRT rejuvinator
Cause dodge murica
+1Can I make a simple charger SRT
@Majakalona they are
Your gonna die
@Majakalona yeah byt it's bad for you
Drink Pepsi instead! hands a pepsi
+1Mtw dew is bad for you
@GuardianAerospace woah there buddy speaking about a blocked user is against the rules bless ya heart
What do you mean by remodeled photos? Might be able to do something explain though
Northrop T-38C talon and Boeing 737-800
+1@MrSilverWolf okay and sorry this started I didn't really start I just said the B1 didn't look the greatest on a post and he got offended
I value downloads more then upvotes
@1link598 he is a idiot
@GuardianAerospace you wanna be a slave to the usaf? Aight won't care when you crash on the runway
@GuardianAerospace you only started saying that after I said the B1 sucks someone got a little mad??
@StockPlanesRemastered I just am working on some builds
@KPLBall oooo
@GuardianAerospace no God cosmic being or anyone could understand how stupid you were for a while seems like you really are doing good on the world record!