@OrangeConnor2 well, the dog is a fully legal arms dealer who does a bit of illegal arms dealing on the side. He’s also a former Echelon agent. He’s on the same level as Sam Fischer (not the mediocre musician)
@WisconsinStatePolice can confirm. Went looking for 5 GBU-12s and a Socket wrench for an experiment. Turns out they also have 99.98% pure Uranium-235 and 93% pure Pu-239.
If we make further developments of this craft, improving the engine, firepower, airframe and capabilities, I see this to be a very capable multi-role aircraft.
@TalonTheCRTguy Men Who Build Stuff.
Graingy threw car batteries into the ocean to help charge a specific type of eel, we took the batteries to jumpstart our nuclear energy program. Graingy didn’t like that so we are in a, not really a Cold War, there is communication, but no war delectation has been officially established on either side. It’s just hostilities.
@OrangeConnor2 well, we never sailed the vessel, the captain of the ship is complaining about “we’re Graingys #1 enemy” and “this tiny ship won’t do anything against Graingys Naval and Air forces” yadda yadda yadda.
That’s the price of it just sitting in dock.
(Tbh I just stole the Fillets hull and repurposed it, my next few ships will using modified Fillet hulls.)
The engine is in fact 30 KW. 31.5 to be exact.
The missiles may or may not’ve been stolen blueprints from an Arleigh Burke class destroyer. We sent in the same operator that retrieved the nuclear warhead for us, and he came back with the exact details of the missiles. Not sure where he’s getting his intel as he’s a dog, but he is a bright one.
We used lower grade propellant, wood instead of metal, updated the guidance systems OS, and stuck it in the ship.
The engine and the cannon being linked? That’s just pure incompetence. I didn’t bother to check if the propellers had a control to its pitch, and linked the turret to the same control.
I will attempt to fix it in a next version… if there will be a next version
Sorry for my absence, my rather underpowered “iPhone 11” ran out of coal and it’s ducts were getting clogged with salt (as my abode is surrounded by salt water exclusively) and Calcium.
I have since refueled it and hired maintainers to keep it more active. As of now, I vow to become more active in the SP community.
@OrangeConnor2 I will give you a raise.
4 more raisins for your lunch break.
We literally cannot afford anymore.
Graingy somehow owns all the raisins in the market and up charged them 4600%.
@OrangeConnor2 crazy thing is… Jundroo Inc. also has a V/TOL Aircraft… “Vertigo”
+1@OrangeConnor2 there’s this crazy thing called “the search bar”
+1I found a wasp for sale for $7.5 Million USD…
Is jundroo a reliable seller?
Jesus, gotta love the 40.0 TWR
@OrangeConnor2 well, the dog is a fully legal arms dealer who does a bit of illegal arms dealing on the side. He’s also a former Echelon agent. He’s on the same level as Sam Fischer (not the mediocre musician)
@WisconsinStatePolice can confirm. Went looking for 5 GBU-12s and a Socket wrench for an experiment. Turns out they also have 99.98% pure Uranium-235 and 93% pure Pu-239.
@OrangeConnor2 yea. Developed in like the first week of the Eel war
+1Wish we could have guided hydras like in game
I am willing to haggle the percentage if you believe it is too high.
I was gonna write a whole White label agreement form for this, but that’d take too much work, so…
Aight, bet. You can sell your products under the MWBS Name, as long as some of the revenue is shared with MWBS. I’m thinking… 20% Revenue is shared.
You can now market any products using the MWBS name.
+1My man made his account 6 days ago and god gold 😭😭😭
+1This is what I was talking about… kinda.
@OrangeConnor2 yea! so we’re fine! Those 4th generation fighters won’t know what hit em!
+1If we make further developments of this craft, improving the engine, firepower, airframe and capabilities, I see this to be a very capable multi-role aircraft.
@Graingy I’m-I-I’m not a-a a POOPYHEAD!!!
+1Let’s keep the discussion civil here… please
@Graingy very very VERY difficult to digest. I had to drink like 40 pounds of laxatives
@Graingy spicy
@Graingy still working on it.
+1Finished the Fissile Core about 30 minutes ago
@Graingy bet
And here lies @Brendorkussy…
@TalonTheCRTguy Men Who Build Stuff.
Graingy threw car batteries into the ocean to help charge a specific type of eel, we took the batteries to jumpstart our nuclear energy program. Graingy didn’t like that so we are in a, not really a Cold War, there is communication, but no war delectation has been officially established on either side. It’s just hostilities.
@Graingy whatever I build and post next, this flag will accompany it
+1@Graingy everything going ahead, I’ll put this flag underneath
+1@OrangeConnor2 well, we never sailed the vessel, the captain of the ship is complaining about “we’re Graingys #1 enemy” and “this tiny ship won’t do anything against Graingys Naval and Air forces” yadda yadda yadda.
That’s the price of it just sitting in dock.
(Tbh I just stole the Fillets hull and repurposed it, my next few ships will using modified Fillet hulls.)
The engine is in fact 30 KW. 31.5 to be exact.
The missiles may or may not’ve been stolen blueprints from an Arleigh Burke class destroyer. We sent in the same operator that retrieved the nuclear warhead for us, and he came back with the exact details of the missiles. Not sure where he’s getting his intel as he’s a dog, but he is a bright one.
We used lower grade propellant, wood instead of metal, updated the guidance systems OS, and stuck it in the ship.
The engine and the cannon being linked? That’s just pure incompetence. I didn’t bother to check if the propellers had a control to its pitch, and linked the turret to the same control.
I will attempt to fix it in a next version… if there will be a next version
@Graingy smart!
Im bad at making flags, so this looks a little bum
+1Sorry for my absence, my rather underpowered “iPhone 11” ran out of coal and it’s ducts were getting clogged with salt (as my abode is surrounded by salt water exclusively) and Calcium.
I have since refueled it and hired maintainers to keep it more active. As of now, I vow to become more active in the SP community.
@Majakalona whoops
+1@Majakalona fixed
+1@Graingy I sadly, have in fact died.
I just haven’t been active in SP. haven’t cared for it till the announcement of SP2
+1Might become more active as @Jundroo give out more info
@Corn8 read the faq
Hardly runs on my phone!
I’d also be terrified of a thousand pound, 13 foot long roach
Teeny 747 lol
+1You got a sponsorship?
@OrangeConnor2 I will give you a raise.
4 more raisins for your lunch break.
We literally cannot afford anymore.
Graingy somehow owns all the raisins in the market and up charged them 4600%.
@OrangeConnor2 it looks a lot like it…
I’m sure monarchi didn’t steal my tech and developed their own from it… heh heh
@OrangeConnor2 I send pwarwers 🙏🏻
@NanstarEnterprise I don’t think they’ll delete the account.
I always found that move very selfish unless there was a good reason to delete the account.
I will contact my local democracy officer to reward you for the war effort
+1The most impractical planes on this site.
I love it
@OrangeConnor2 the gun of all time
+1@Graingy hey, just because I’m not as active as before, doesn’t mean I can’t see what you’re commenting
Just pinning you so you know.
@Graingy who’s there?
Lmao, this thing can cobra