135 Hannrob904 Comments

  • Dart - 5 MILLION + MAX ALTITUDE!!!! 8.6 years ago

    Can you explain to me in more detail how this works? I'm not giving up on it but when I activate group 1 it shoots the dart 25 ft in the air before crashing back into the pad. I also powered up the engines as the instructions said and nothing happened. Help!

  • Supersonic heavy bomber (Grey Death) 8.6 years ago

    Thanks for the up vote @BenkelmansNoReply

  • RAH-66 COMANCHE BOEING / SIKORSKY 8.8 years ago

    I've flown a pretty crummy Chinook before and wasn't sure what to expect with this but this is awesome! Has to be one of the coolest planes (or helicopters) ive flown in this game! Keep up the good work!

  • Octaplane 8.8 years ago

    That's pro lol

  • speed demon 8.8 years ago

    I put some inlets on it and it flies really good nice job

  • Space fighter 8.8 years ago

    Thanks check out my other planes as well @gavin1234 @gavin1234