Nice! :D, you should make a “stock” version put it on a normal chassis, smaller wheels and suspension, I dunno just an idea, also you need to put another hinge in the drive shafts, with out it the suspension doesn’t work unless it was intentional.
The only other thing than coal I wouldn’t like under the tree is the emoji movie (maybe coal wouldn’t be so bad since my dad is in to trains if you remember he’s building a 5 inch gage steam train) hope you had a Gucci Christmas as well
Yep pretty much I will go try and upload a video to ever play @destroyerP
Nice build! :D, I don’t know why I haven’t upvoted half this stuff before
I have glitched through the jumpzone island with an explosion
Ho.. w da hell! That’s strange @Smasher
Also the one in the editor wher the sliders go weird @destroyerP
No problem! :D, there is more to come I didn’t want to spam you with 10 thousand notifications @destroyerP
The first one has happened to me before
Wait... Is that mister time traveler?
This is neat! :D you’re soo close to platinum
Yeah I spent hours playing around with it @KidKromosone
Ha ha Thanks :) happy new year to you as well@destroyerP
No problem! :)@RailfanEthan
Thank you! :)@KidKromosone
No problem! :)@Patrick20206
Happy new year! :D@TakicraftCorporation
Thank you for the spotlight! :)@TakicraftCorporation
Nice! :D, good handling nice livery’s and realistic fuel consumption
It needs a top hat! :D haha
Ok :) @TakicraftCorporation
Thank you! :D @destroyerP
No problem! :D @Datom
Yes it must be a successor so it is easy to judge @legendary666
It can be a replica but it can be fictional as well (I will add that to the description) @TakicraftCorporation
I believe you found a train
No proble! :)@Elicushman
Thank you :), That would be good! :D@TakicraftCorporation
Yeah that was somewhat my original plan I have started on a car hoist and some stands for motorbikes @RailfanEthan
Thank you! :)@RailfanEthan
Ok thanks! : )@Notapier
Thank you! :) @destroyerP
Nice! :D , also what designer is that?
No problem! :)@RailfanEthan
Thank you! :)@destroyerP
I guess you could say I have a fetish for off road vehicles @destroyerP
No problem! :)@RailfanEthan
Oof! :D @F104Deathtrap
That second picture though.... why haha :)
Thank you for the upvote! :D @KidKromosone @destroyerP
Ok nice :D@TakicraftCorporation
Nice! :D what Scale are the trains
Ha ha Yeah, what did you get for Christmas, I got new sennheizer head set and a craparoni load of books @RailfanEthan
Nice! :D, you should make a “stock” version put it on a normal chassis, smaller wheels and suspension, I dunno just an idea, also you need to put another hinge in the drive shafts, with out it the suspension doesn’t work unless it was intentional.
The only other thing than coal I wouldn’t like under the tree is the emoji movie (maybe coal wouldn’t be so bad since my dad is in to trains if you remember he’s building a 5 inch gage steam train) hope you had a Gucci Christmas as well
Merry Christmas to you to! :)@TakicraftCorporation @Supercraft888
Ha ha yeah :) merry Christmas to you to @Strikefighter04
He’s on holidays in the Bahamas @Strikefighter04
Thank you for the 3 upvotes! :D @destroyerP
Yep he’s filling in for Santa whose feeling sick at his age of a couple hundred years old@F4f879
Thank you! :)@JoeAdkinson13