106k Hedero Comments

  • Spitfire 3.9 years ago

    I'm not sure if what I watched created in a cinema or in Simpleplanes, this honestly deserves an emmy for how well the camera angles were shot and the music and the sound effects! Basically everything was spot on, well done. Also I love that you put MR T on the side of the aircraft!

  • Boeing 377 StratoCruiser 4.1 years ago

    This thing is incredibly impressive! But next time make some custom lg, you clearly know how to make an airplane, so I know you can make lg too!

  • loooooooonnnnggg plane 4.3 years ago

    Long is an understatement.

  • I made this plane for you before my surgery c: 4.3 years ago

    I hope your surgery goes good! What is it for?

  • Rick Astley 4.4 years ago

    How on the face of this forbidden planet did this get so many spotlights and upvotes?

  • MiG-25 Foxbat 4.5 years ago

    Beautiful build dude. The real one was the equivalent to a flying trash bin that was filled with tannerite, had a falcon rocket engine for propulsion, and a cardboard box for the pilot to sit on.@SavageMan

  • For steve 4.7 years ago

    For steve! But, please don't post these around the website due to spamming issues.

  • Earth, made out of guns V2 4.8 years ago

    Stunning. I love how easily it loads in.

  • How pretty much everyone flies on SimplePlanes [Very epic, not click bait.] 4.8 years ago

    Bro how'd you know how I fly? I just called the FBI.

  • United States of America Flag 4.9 years ago

    Congratulations. You just constructed the symbol for the best country in the world. Wooooo!!!@DuceAnchovy

  • Lego Military helicopter 4.9 years ago

    I said the same thing but according to Quingy, it isn't required. But then you have people like DuckMint who actually do it and win lol.@ChisP

  • Universe destroying singularity 5.0 years ago

    I always love it when creators discover new ways to permanently destroy or disrupt the the balance in time we have in the universe. Anyways great build!

  • Mechanized Howitzer 5.1 years ago

    Sweet lord this is amazing...@SledDriver

  • flesh plane 5.1 years ago

    Ok well I'll upvote for the effort put into this, but it will probably give me nightmares tonight lol.

  • Flag of Canada 5.1 years ago

    She'd like this one

  • P-51 Mustang 5.6 years ago

    Sorry. The p-51 is my favorite war bird and this is just a disgrace.

  • Blossom B-10 [First Build] 5.6 years ago

    My god I'm just shocked that you earned this much popularity for your first build. Yes the build is great but alot of luck is at play here. You truly are a great builder but many people have built just as nice creations and haven't been able to reach the support you have. So you're pretty dogone lucky dude. I hope you appreciate the homerun you hit with this plane. But overall great aircraft and great quality. Good job!

  • Winners of the Water and Air Challenge 5.9 years ago


  • Announcement 6.0 years ago

    Lol i can't beleive i just got got by the dev,I was so,deep in that comment i made.I was seriously preparing for the end lol.Ya,I feel like a cement head at the moment.I'll walk it off eventually.

  • How planes fly. 2.8 years ago

    Jokes aside that's a beautiful crj in the making.

  • Trans Flag Prop w/ Bendable Flag Post (1:1) 2.9 years ago

    What do you mean? You're gonna build a pride month creation or something? @asteroidbook345

  • Ki-43-II Hayabusa 2.9 years ago

    Babe, babe, look, alisuchanka uploaded.

  • 0h no - LE FRENCH FISH 3.0 years ago

    Hue hue hue oui

  • North American P-51D-10NA Mustang 3.2 years ago

    Nah I think it's a standard now and I wouldn't bother uploading a serious build without an interior, and btw I'm really not trying to act like a marder or anything soI'm not trying to act like "poor me" or anything so I'm sorry if I come across that way I'm really not trying to give off that impression. I just feel like the more stuff they add to the game the higher the bar is raised and it brings more stress to every build as I know how much I have to do for each one. Anyway, enough of that rant lol. I def would like to make better cockpit but I'm really pretty new to them and still haven't got a lot of experience with them. But I will continue to try to improve on the cockpits and please let me know what could be improved or upgraded later on, that's how I can improve! @Sparky6004 @Rexzion

  • Symetrical Wing Design 3.2 years ago

    This technique works wonderful for your aircraft. It looks beautiful. But it would take some work to make it look good on something like a b-17. @ALRX

  • SKYHAWK 3.4 years ago

    Bruh I think I developed cancer when I read your comment 😂 and no somehow I don’t think of Topgun when I made this but now it is a topgun reference @Kangy

  • SKYHAWK 3.4 years ago

    Nope its accurate, just look at pics of an a4M :)@FairFireFlight

  • North American T-2C Buckeye 3.4 years ago

    I don’t use the metric system sorry 😂but the only thing I sorta messed up on is the stall speed. The wiki said the stall speed is about 99mph, and I managed to get that result, but now I’m thinking t meant 99 mph with full flaps. And I got that speed without any flaps. So that’s sorta the most inaccurate part of the flight model. But the takeoff speed should be pretty accurate, I just made it about 15 mph more then the stall speed, and so it lifts off the ground at about 115 mph. And So yes I did sorta assume the takeoff speed. But yes this airplane may be fairly maneuverable but I tried to avoid making something that flies like a brick that people call “realistic”, I see that way too much on the website anymore. When in reality, for most aircraft, it will perform much better then you’d imagine if you simply push that yolk as far as you can in any direction. If you actually apply 10 or 15 lbs of force to that yolk it will do what you want it to do. @Kangy

  • Lockheed F-104A Starfighter 3.4 years ago

    Massive mistake of not using fuselage slicing for the hollow gear wells. It would have been extremely easy to do as well.

  • SPVR Update - Labels 3.6 years ago

    BRUH NO WAY THIS PERRRFECT. I'm sorry I'm acting like a child but this will be one of simpleplanes's most substantial updates ever! You guys are adding so many possibilities to the game by doing this! Thank you guys so much for all the effort your putting into this update!

  • Scout Weka 3.6 years ago

    I just had a thought, why pay 50 grand for a vehicle in today's market when I can just spend 150 years 3d printing a full scale model of your creations and actually have a real one? 🤔

  • Handley Page Victor 3.6 years ago

    I really love this, also love the accurate cockpit. But it would be better if you did actual control surfaces. I know with your skill you could do the triangle wing airfoil technique. It's currently the technique I use.

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 3.6 years ago

    BRUH I DID NOT EXPECT THIS HOLY COW!!! Sorry I got a bit excited, you guys keep doing all this awesome crap for the update!!! Thank you guys so much! And one thing I was wondering, were you guys planning on adding the text piece? I know Andrew mentioned it in a comment.

  • SPVR Update - Gauges 3.6 years ago

    Bruh this is absolutely awesome! I think this will add so much to the game, truly an admirable new feature!

  • Boom Overture 3.8 years ago

    Beautiful model, but I'd be shocked if this aircraft wouldn't use afterburners. Seems like pushing through to 1.7 mach would only be possible with burners.

  • Lun Class 4.0 years ago

    Well said my friend! @MintLynx

  • Mig-29 (my best plane) 4.0 years ago

    Not tryna be rude or anything, but just trying to give advice for this guy for future builds. But, perhaps I'm being a little harsh. @SemedianIndustries

  • F-4EJ Kai Phantom II 07-4836 302nd Sq. 4.0 years ago

    This aircraft has probably received more support in this short amount of time then any other aircraft ever uploaded 😳

  • Thompson M1A1 4.1 years ago

    Living breathing human carrier not included

  • Hi 4.2 years ago

    Leave the site immediately or I will hand deliver a tactical nuke to your location. NO DUMB WHITE PLATE USERS ON MY WATCH

  • hot anime girl's face 4.3 years ago

    Wow this is hot

  • OR-05 [Ornithopter] 4.5 years ago

    Great job! Very clean build!

  • MiG-15bis Fagot 4.5 years ago

    Lol I know. I wanted to make this german like how BogdanX made a german corsair. But then I thought, do I really want to upload an airplane called "GERMAN FAGOT"? XD. I think I would get banned if I did.@TheFlyingDerp

  • Losing motivation........ 4.5 years ago

    Well one thing BogdanX said was he'll only build when he feels like it. He'll leave a project alone for a month or two but then revisit it when he feels like it. You'll probably want to build again at some point.@KnightOfRen

  • Custom LG worth it? 4.5 years ago

    I personally think it's very worth it. For me, if I see a beautiful airplane, and default gear, I cringe a little bit. I like to see that even if the landing gear is a stick with wheels, it means that the builder tried that much harder with it. So for me, yes, even if it looks very similar to the default gear, I just do it anyway.@KnightOfRen

  • immanitatem 4.6 years ago

    when flitetest's budget is several million

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 4.6 years ago

    I'm literally going nuts right now. This update is amazing!

  • HE-112, but it's a jet 4.7 years ago

    Minecraft, but the government is honest.

  • P-51 Mustang (My first Plane) Repost.... 4.7 years ago

    Not bad for your first airplane
