480 Hoawdie

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Hi, Hoawdie here...

I wanna tell you a story...

Way way back in the 1970s,a new organization emerged, its name is "White Fang", Apparently thier power was as strong as the SimplePlanes Country(ranked 2nd on Military,Navy,Air power).

The war started on November 15 1971 when they attacked Ice Base And Avalanche Airport, the Garrison was outnumbered 4 to 1 but still fought bravely, the battle ended at November 17 1971 and only Ice base was captured, the S.P. army didnt anticipate this event and immediately mobilized all available forces, (app. 120k troops, 1k tanks, 2k artillery and 30 planes), over the next month nothing really happened except small skirmiskes and defending Avalanche Airport, Then... On January 24 1972, white fang forces attacked Avalanche Airport, This time the Garrison couldn't defend Avalanche Airport and has fallen into white fang hands.

On February 13 1972 S.P. Army developed 2 new planes and tanks to combat the superior technology of White Fang, This led to tzarut,flying reaper And Pa Tobo, then things took an unexpected turn when White Fang unleashed an invasion on wright island on February 28 1972, this time with new tanks and planes that white fang developed, although white fang invaded half of the island wright airport has not fallen into white fang, the next day the S.P. Army did an offensive at the west and northern part of the island, the attack was somewhat only half successful because of the terrain and weather,
but this attack ruined the momentum of the white fang forces.

On March 1 1972 The S.P. army unleashed one last offensive to kick the white fang forces outside the island, the offensive was successful and white fang forces were kicked off the island, by this time white fang forces were halved because of thier tanks not suitable to urban warfare and were slower(always getting flanked), also ammo was scarce, lack of equipment and lack of troops to replace casualties,

by March 16 1972 the S.P army launched the last offensive on snowstone island in a effort to retake the island in the next two weeks or less, The white fang garrison of the island was strong and alot of S.P troops died on landing day but ultimately the garrison was forced to retreat to The middle part of the island, There was a stronghold called the mighty tundra, S.P. Forces could not break through the fortress over the next month and the offensive lost momentum until... A shipment of a bomb from U.S.A.(Aka Freedom land🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅) arrived, it was a new, 50.000 pound bomb called the "Tundra destroyer", on May 6 1972 they dropped the tundra destroyer directly above the fortress which turned it into rubble, effectively gained momentum on the Offensive, finally on May 24 1972 the final stand begins on the recapturing of ice base, white fang was in a tough situation and could not do anything except defend,thier forces were depleted and the only white fang force left was on ice base, the battle lasted 8 days in which ultimately S.P. forces won the battle and the white fang organization surrendered, thus ending the snowstone war...

(P.S. There is another rebellion sparking on snowstone island right now and we are assessing the situation rn, this could end up like the snowstone war on 1971, we are on high alert)

(Sincerely, Snowstone Army)

(story not refined yet)