@KingDeadshot how did you do the linked text? I know this is unrelated, but I saw you do it, and therefore know you know how to tell me without huge searching
@Halphas we have a powerful alliance, you can join if you want, also my tablet is at 2%, should I contact u in another way or wait till tomorrow morning?
@Halphas sure! We have control over Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, and Italy in the RP. I can give you control of eastern France, ask @KingDeadshot for the western half, he controls it.
I don't think that's possible, try 5 hours or something.
I might participate.
@Halphas its fine, also I'm working on a flying playing card, do you want to follow me or be tagged when its done?
@Halphas if you want to mention people, do it 3 at a time, it only notifies the first 3 people.
@PyroManiac ok, I'll take a look tomorrow
@PyroManiac I think we are just posting random makes now..
@PyroManiac this is a serious matter, but lol
@PyroManiac too lazy to put another meme
@PyroManiac No.
@PyroManiac think ur so DANK look at my KD
@PyroManiac well too bad
@PyroManiac yep says the president
Lol Random meme
@PyroManiac comes back to America yep you are.
@PyroManiac knew the satellite was destroyed umm.. Go ahead, attack what you see! knows it's a rat or some other creature
@PyroManiac goes to another country LOL I AINT GOIN TO CANADA! TRACK ME BRO! LOL!
@PyroManiac has passport see ya in Canada bro!
@KingDeadshot how did you do the linked text? I know this is unrelated, but I saw you do it, and therefore know you know how to tell me without huge searching
@PyroManiac pulls out silver bullets bro I know what im doin I'm not a scrub
No problem homie :) :D :3
@PyroManiac pulls out handgun come at me
@PyroManiac too lazy to test it crashes device 2Swag4U
@PyroManiac might be, or an easter egg or something.
@KingDeadshot JUST DO IT!!!!
@KingDeadshot Do it for shia.
@PyroManiac somehow it doesn't, also sup!
@Orangeillini88 it might lag me and/or look ugly.
@boomstick because the armor is only a prototype for right now.
@Orangeillini88 ok
@Orangeillini88 not sure
@Halphas no probbbbbbb! :D :)
@Halphas no it didn't somehow, I tested it
@KINTARO dunno, just doesn't.
@KINTARO download it. You will see that the armor survives the bomb.
@KingDeadshot I got it! Not sure if I can change the shape though.
@KingDeadshot I'm not sure, but I have an explosion proof cable box upload, I might be able to create explosion resistant armor
@Halphas there u go, I upvoted all of your posts :)
@Halphas I'm the one who sucks at this game
@Halphas and you say you could improve lol.
@Halphas only 1000 more upvotes until platinum! Lol
@Halphas when the points I just gave are added, you'll be 10k! Congratulations u made it!!! :D :)
@Halphas oki ima upvote till ur 10k, then I'll see u soon :)
@Halphas we have a powerful alliance, you can join if you want, also my tablet is at 2%, should I contact u in another way or wait till tomorrow morning?
@Halphas then you should see my uploads! Lol
@Halphas no not yet, I might use Nazism or something for the RP
@Halphas ok, but @KingDeadshot uses mobile, so if possible, can you make em mobile friendly?
@Halphas sure! We have control over Saudi Arabia, Germany, France, and Italy in the RP. I can give you control of eastern France, ask @KingDeadshot for the western half, he controls it.
@Halphas its @KingDeadshot's WW5 RP