@UmbrellaCorporation Sorry, we only provide some equipment, such as missiles, missile launchers, etc. This request should be addressed to those shipbuilding master.
@AllAmericanB17 The winner's 30up will be allocated to the posts of his 30 works (Excluding previously uped).It's best not to ask a mod. Of course, if you want to ask a mod, it's not impossible.(´﹃`)
@Starbound Yes, NatsukiHoshino has built three vehicles. Berkastel has just joined Hoshino studio, so there is only one vehicle. Vinoriceball has many vehicles in production, but none of them has been completed. Defat1 has just joined, so there is no vehicle. StarrySky2077 is too busy to play games.
@Thebite12345678910 First of all, your plane must be approved by us. Please tell us in the comments section of the post of your best plane. If it meets the requirements, we will follow you and add your name in the introduction column of this account. Then you are a full member. You can upload your plane in the name of Hoshino Studio (Abbreviation:HOS).
@MrCOPTY Welcome to join!
@HoshimachiSuiseiMyBeloved Okay, you're allowed to join.
@UmbrellaCorporation Of course.
@UmbrellaCorporation Sorry, we only provide some equipment, such as missiles, missile launchers, etc. This request should be addressed to those shipbuilding master.
@LEXINGTON 一切已经结束了(´﹃`)
@ppp00000yugdu No.
@LotusCarsSub Oh,I see.
@dino0628 也就比1:1 Mk-45大了一点,Mk-45已经是算体积小的了(´﹃`)
@ppp00000yugdu Gun of ship.
The FFG in picture here
@AllAmericanB17 Yes, 30up will be allocated to the posts of his 30 posts of builds(works)
@AllAmericanB17 The winner's 30up will be allocated to the posts of his 30 works (Excluding previously uped).It's best not to ask a mod. Of course, if you want to ask a mod, it's not impossible.(´﹃`)
@Karzigg It's okay.
@MrOofington (。ò ∀ ó。)
The requirements have just been modified.
@MintLynx Thank you for your advice.
+1@derlurje |ω・)
@BlinIndustry (๑>ڡ<)☆
The requirements have just been changed, because I didn't know enough about MS Girl in the past, which led to the ambiguity of this challenge.
@TheUnsinkableSam Please click Download☆
+1@Captaincarroca I see.
@Captaincarroca Welcome to join!Please join our discord server
@Starbound Yes, NatsukiHoshino has built three vehicles. Berkastel has just joined Hoshino studio, so there is only one vehicle. Vinoriceball has many vehicles in production, but none of them has been completed. Defat1 has just joined, so there is no vehicle. StarrySky2077 is too busy to play games.
@Defalt1 You meet the standard, welcome to join!
@Bernkastel you're welcome.What isdiscord anyways?my translator to translate into a bad mood.
The whole body is too short and thick, and the main wing is too small.
@DADDADATHEDAD come on!Looking forward to your progress!
@Bernkastel OK, you're qualified. Congratulations on being one of us.
It's so cool!
+1@plane634 I've changed the tail rotor mode to head hold,But problems remain.
@PrinzEugen99 It's not rigid at all. It has nothing to do with the position.
@WarshipWarshipTheDude It's point-defense missile.
@FinnZachary It's cool,But the position of the three planes is strange.Are you sure they won't smash the deck?Mr.Deep fried tortillas.
@NFIGMT here
The nose is too sharp. The wing is very bad. I suggest you do it according to the drawing.
Thanks for @NumbersNumbersTheMan
@DADDADATHEDAD Your plane is a little bad.
@NexusGaming Thank you!
@NexusGaming That sounds good, but we don't have great equipment and software to shoot documentaries, and we didn't do well before.
@Thebite12345678910 First of all, your plane must be approved by us. Please tell us in the comments section of the post of your best plane. If it meets the requirements, we will follow you and add your name in the introduction column of this account. Then you are a full member. You can upload your plane in the name of Hoshino Studio (Abbreviation:HOS).