3,609 HudDistance Comments

  • Kiv-12 15 days ago


  • Kiv-7 15 days ago


  • Swiss Papers, Otesk War week 12-14 15 days ago

    @KPLBall first

  • Daddy long legs 15 days ago

    @ShinyGemsBro Cellar Spiders are sometimes referred to as "daddy longlegs" and is a actual spider that can produce venom and webs, Harvestmen are the most common and known ones like winterro said, Harvestmen have 1 body segment, Cellar Spiders have the traditional 2.

  • YJP-12 16 days ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles dang it! You beat me!

  • Maywar for android Newedition 16 days ago

    @Kakhikotchauri1 can you help me out? It doesn't give me the option to open it in SP..

  • UA-250 [Kiv-0] 17 days ago


  • UAV1 17 days ago


  • UAV1 17 days ago

    @YOURGORILLA1246 idk what to call this...
    "Stunter" maybe?

  • Doolittle X-63 CAMAT 18 days ago

    "X63"... sounds familiar...🤔🤔

  • UAL 2004 Boeing 737-300 18 days ago

    "1 hours ago

  • UA-200 18 days ago

    Credit to @jaywitsboi for the idea of it being an attacker..

  • UA-200 18 days ago


  • AC-2 18 days ago

    @SamilanTransportSector oh ok. Thanks.

  • AC-2 18 days ago


  • Swiss papers, Otesk War week 9 18 days ago

    First comment

  • Breaking the 4th Wall 19 days ago

    @f80shootingstarlover Also, after taking off, [you can do this exact same thing with 1 percent throttle aswell], put throttle to 0 and spawn at Bandit Airport or Bandit final approach, then put the throttle up by 1%, then lower it while spawning at where you spawned again, the map should be moved...

  • UA-150 Striker 19 days ago

    @f80shootingstarlover ok

  • Breaking the 4th Wall 19 days ago

    Oh hey you used my build! Nice!

  • Canadoes what American’t 19 days ago

    @ComradeSandman how-

  • Swiss Papers, Otesk War week 7 19 days ago

    @KPLBall bros cookin

  • Canadoes what American’t 19 days ago

    @ComradeSandman wdym

  • F-117 Nighthawk 19 days ago


  • UA-150 Striker 19 days ago

    @MarkMCraft ye it was inspired by it

  • XB-2098 20 days ago


  • flying wing. 20 days ago

    @YOURGORILLA1246 yw

  • LC-4.5 20 days ago

    @YOURGORILLA1246 nice. For me I get alot of Homework, other then that it's pretty nice.

  • YJ-1129B [VR] 20 days ago

    It got curated?!

  • LC4.5-MK2 20 days ago

    @YOURGORILLA1246 final boss tail

  • UA-100 20 days ago

    @DogThatMakesPlanes ah ok, when it comes to things like decals, I'm not the best [Aside from my P38]. But thanks for the feedback!

  • Add 10 parts and pass it on - my addition 20 days ago

    @LilSquickThePlane it's still going, good job

  • UA-100 20 days ago

    @DogThatMakesPlanes quick question, what exactly makes it a bit unrealistic? [Not trying to be rude]

  • Horten Ho-229 20 days ago

    @MarkMCraft aw shucks

  • Horten Ho-229 20 days ago


  • UA-100 20 days ago

    @MarkMCraft thanks

  • MIG 21 BIS 21 days ago

    @Zachybobo bros underrated

  • UA-100 21 days ago

    You can still rate it if you want tho.

  • A6M Zero 21 days ago

    The main inspiration for my entry.

  • LC-4.5 21 days ago

    @YOURGORILLA1246 awesome

  • YJ-1129B [VR] 21 days ago


  • fastest thing 21 days ago

    Was it the thumbnail?

  • fastest thing 21 days ago

    Why was it removed??

  • bomber 22 days ago

    @rayquaza4590 congrats on silver

  • Canadoes what American’t 22 days ago

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 it's not the same

  • F-117 whitehawk [Ejection seats] 22 days ago

    First to comment

  • Canadoes what American’t 22 days ago

    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Canada has ketchup chips tho

  • AC-19 Ares [War Command : Rogue Assault] 22 days ago

    @KMIIndustrial F-29291 19th Generation Fighter

  • The Missile Knows Where It is 22 days ago

    The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't, by subtracting where it is, from where it isn't, or where it isn't, from where it is, whichever is greater, it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance sub-system uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is, to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position where it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event of the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has required a variation. The variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too, may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computance scenario works as follows: Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is, however it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subracts where it should be, from where it wasn't, or vice versa. By differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was. It is able to obtain a deviation and a variation, which is called error

  • fastest thing 22 days ago

    105 downloads is crazy

  • Swiss Papers, Otesk War Week 3 22 days ago

    @KPLBall I was the pilot of the P35 [totally]