3,609 HudDistance Comments

  • Viscount 700 Air Rhodesia VP-WAS 28 days ago

    @NormalCv580enjoyer woah! I'm an honorable mention!1

  • Douglas DC-4 Air Ferry G-APYK 29 days ago

    @NormalCv580enjoyer hello...(I said hello bc why not)

  • First Page, Y'all! one month ago


  • What planes do you recommend I create? one month ago

    @JABH Mosquito 🦟

  • Fuselage challenge one month ago

    @gagagaga12457 you have to have more points to highlight something. But you would normally see an orange magnifying glass

  • LC-5 "Destroyer" one month ago

    @Strucker yea ..

  • I got silver one month ago

    @Strucker thanks

  • LET'S GO, 10K! one month ago

    @f80shootingstarlover thank you

  • LET'S GO, 10K! one month ago


  • SR-71 BLACKBIRD one month ago

    @Viper0805 wow. You deserve Platinum though. We need as many people as possible to see your builds

  • Simple Vapor Tutorial | Kicking Fish one month ago


  • SR-71 BLACKBIRD one month ago

    @Viper0805 dude, you're amazing at this

  • The LC2 getting shot down by the FOJ-2 one month ago

    @Strucker ok, but so far that one seems good

  • The LC2 getting shot down by the FOJ-2 one month ago

    It works! (The one Strucker did work.

  • The LC2 getting shot down by the FOJ-2 one month ago

    Sorry, I was on SPVR. Lemme test those @Rb2h @Strucker

  • The LC2 getting shot down by the FOJ-2 one month ago

    @Strucker I did ![](insert link here)

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ one month ago

    @YOURGORILLA1246 they will have an pilot named "major chad"

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ one month ago

    I'm guessing by "procedural jet engines" means that we'll either have
    A. Have an jet engine with Military power, War Emergency Power, etc.
    B. Be able to customize it directly and be able to turn on/off TVC, Afterburner, etc.

  • Carrier launched Cruise Missile one month ago

    @KMIIndustrial thanks

  • Biodegradable Airliner one month ago

    100000000000000/15 starts on yelp

  • Biodegradable Airliner one month ago

    @Aviator01 ah makes sense, also, riding under the wings is unique, sitting inside is boring, you can't get an good view of the aircraft, under or ontop of the wings gives you an great view..

  • Biodegradable Airliner one month ago

    @Aviator01 I know I'm late but..why was the pilot covered in vines? Is that normal?

  • Nvm one month ago

    Just kinda worried if everything's gone now

  • Nvm one month ago

    @126 I did join beta

  • The Great War Of Planez one month ago

    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore thanks

  • USAF Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II one month ago

    @Maverick09 thanks, also, any tips on making an Vtol engine turn on at an certain speed then stop after an few seconds or at another speed?

  • its one of those. one month ago

    I farted

  • chicken from worldbox one month ago


  • THE Interceptor one month ago

    @f80shootingstarlover yay!

  • creepy Crawley one month ago

    It's crawling up the spout, and no rain will wash it out.

  • P-51 Mustang Ol' Reliable one month ago

    @Majakalona awesome

  • Martin Marietta X-24 one month ago


  • F-14 ALPHA 8 hours ago

    Look at this players builds!

  • ?? Land 8 hours ago


  • Stealth challenge 12 hours ago

    @JSTQ sure!

  • Let's say ham juice spilled all over your lunch... 22 hours ago

    @ComradeSandman where did the Half Life 3 come from?

  • Let's say ham juice spilled all over your lunch... 23 hours ago

    Therefore, there would be no lunch to spill it on, HAH!

  • Let's say ham juice spilled all over your lunch... 23 hours ago

    Hmm I would..uhh..
    Well, I can't eat lunch, as I am just a variable from Planarialabs 1 Part Hud

  • XA-2 23 hours ago


  • XA-2 23 hours ago


  • Stealth challenge yesterday

    "Stealth Challenge Explanation:

    In this challenge, stealth points will be awarded based on how well your aircraft minimizes its Radar Cross Section (RCS). RCS measures how detectable an object is by radar, so lower RCS means your aircraft is stealthier!

    How Stealth is Measured:

    Your aircraft’s shape, angles, size, and materials all contribute to how much radar it reflects. To estimate the RCS of your design, we’ll look at:

    Fuselage shape: Smooth, angled surfaces reflect less radar, so sharper angles or stealthier designs (like diamond-shaped wings) score better.

    Size and wingspan: Smaller planes have a naturally lower RCS. Huge, flat surfaces (like large wings) will reflect more radar.

    Features: Hidden or internal weapon bays are more stealthy than external hardpoints. Intakes, engines, and other exposed parts can increase RCS, so designs that minimize exposed parts will score higher.

    Stealth Points System:

    Each aircraft will be assigned a stealth score between 1 and 10 based on its estimated RCS:

    1 point: Very high RCS, no stealth features

    5 points: Moderate stealth design, noticeable radar reflection

    10 points: Very low RCS, excellent stealth features

    We’ll evaluate your aircraft’s RCS and convert it into stealth points. The more you reduce radar visibility through smart design, the higher your stealth score!"

  • Stealth challenge yesterday

    I've seen alot of questions regarding stealth, I'll be using AI to figure out the RCS estimate, I'll figure out how to transmit it into points

  • Uhhmmmm yesterday

    @JSTQ to be fair, GPT just looked at the other chats and thought, "oh he's in high school now."

  • Stealth challenge yesterday

    @JSTQ ill be using ChatGPT to figure out what the RCS of your plane is.

  • Uhhmmmm 2 days ago

    @Boeing727200F also, kinda ironic how Elon is like
    "AI can take over and we must be careful!" And then he makes freaking humanoid robots. Bro is the reason why we'll die.

  • Uhhmmmm 2 days ago

    Yeah man the singularity is scary and cool

  • Uhhmmmm 2 days ago

    @Boeing727200F ah ok

  • Uhhmmmm 2 days ago

    @overlord5453 ChatGPT did ask the person of they wanted to start it instead. Since it's part of GPTo1, which can reason and other things. And another thing @Boeing727200F I had a talk with the AI about if it would take over, when I realized it would add more jobs, because, who would manage the AIs? Also they did terribly on jobs, getting 47% or less on the tests while humans got about 64%.

  • Uhhmmmm 2 days ago

    @Boeing727200F well, according to someone, we ha e something called "humites," like genuine creativity, and other things that make us special. Oh yeah we also have EMP pulses