19 Hunterjames84 Comments

  • Eye of the Storm 8.0 years ago

    It passed every (non-aggressive)test that I put it through! Awesome plane!!! :)

  • Smoke trail Part 8.5 years ago

    Thanks guys!!!

  • New gun request from my brother. 8.6 years ago

    Ok..... if u guys say so, I guess I'll find something else for my little bro... thanks for trying... :(

  • Grappling Hook / Attacher. 8.6 years ago

    I'm on android. Just so u know.

  • Grappling Hook / Attacher. 8.6 years ago

    Ok. Final request on this post: either a part that keeps the plane level at all times, or a part that stops you in the air exactly where you are with activation group 1, whitch would let you fall straight down. (And yes, I know there's air brakes, but I mean stopping all forward motion in an instant.)

  • Grappling Hook / Attacher. 8.6 years ago

    Then maybe a part, like a fuselage or something, that acts like a rope? I could work with that, if it's pretty long.

  • Gun request... 8.6 years ago

    @Nexus24680 a minigun, pls. Sorry I was off WiFi for a few hours.