Woah, this is cool, if I a realistic arament using these on an actual plane, my pc would probably become an oven, 15GBs of ram wont run ya much at once.
@Hunterthemuncher Right? This thing sucks lmao. Though from the inside it doesnt look like it was made by a 9 year old, and it functions quite well in my opinion.
@SupremeDorian Yea, it was for all of ya :)
+5This is like one of those thing you collect and just put on a shelf to display.
+2Gonna have to try this out, looks super cool, good work!
+2@Aviator01 Okay, i'll try that, thanks.
+2Ooh, this was really fun to blow up my phone with!
+1@KitsuneassemblylinesKAL Oh thanks lol I JUST updated it
+1Woah, this is cool, if I a realistic arament using these on an actual plane, my pc would probably become an oven, 15GBs of ram wont run ya much at once.
+1@ColonelCanada Exactly lmao
+1@ColonelCanada Hey, just means you did well!
+1@ColonelCanada It was on my jet stream lmao
+1@PointlessWhyshouldi Yep, thanks a bunch, didnt find that via YouTube Search. Strange. Anyways, thanks!
+1@MrCOPTY I'll try that one but from context clues, it might be for miniguns and whatnot, im looking for cannon input, but thanks a ton!
+1@LieutenantSOT I was thinling about using 6 cannons.
+1@Thorne Alright, this is gonna be fun.
+1Quite the interesting concept.. Might wanna take this one to SharkTank.
+1@Thorne Alright! Gonna have to join in!, am curious though, is xml modding allowed?
+1@Default4 ayyyyy yo
+1Is this still going? I might have to participate.
+1Ooh, this is really cool!
+1Oh, i'll try that, lmao
+1war thunder moment
People putting soom in anything they can think of nowadays.. Geez.
Ooh, pretty.
My god, this is detailed, gonna have to try this out, should work with my Thrustmaster!
@NoobCantBuildAirPlanes Ohh, might have to try this then, lmao
Well, i'll be downloading this on my computer.
oooh, pretty
Ooh, new tires?
The tank tracks seemed so smooth.
Knowing the Simpleplanes physics, this looks like if you put it to 70% throttle, it just rotates, and slams into the ground, breaking the prop, XD
Was the title supposed to be two puns in one? XD
Seems like the color scheme could be better, but i'll try this out later. Looks good otherwise!
@Strikefighter04 Okay, just wanted to show some respect, good to hear though, thanks :)
@Strikefighter04 Thanks! Though i could've been a bit more respectful and asked for your permission, sorry.
@Hunterthemuncher Right? This thing sucks lmao. Though from the inside it doesnt look like it was made by a 9 year old, and it functions quite well in my opinion.
@Sezercu1 Thanks a ton! This is quite chaotic when it comes down to taking out land targets, heh.