Ummm, lemme think. Well is it a USAF plane? If so, you could add those letters, and also the star insignia (I don’t know if it has an actual name, like roundels do). Maybe do some callsign letters? Also maybe you could use a fuselage inlet part to create an access panel here or there... other than that, I think I’d need to dL the plane and take a closer look at it to come up with more ideas. @ACEPILOT109
Wow. This flies amazingly well. Construction is fantastic. I like it even better than the last one, which was already super cool!
Hah! That’s hilarious! Thanks man :) I think I got like five minutes in haha @AWESOMENESS360
Haha. Maybe. I don’t know if I want that responsibility... but thanks :) @JelloAircraftCorporation
Haha yeah. Like they say in martial arts, black belt is where your training starts. Thanks man :) @Chancey21
Thanks man, that is so cool of you to say! :) @Gravity
Thanks buddy :) @tylerdeveneuxmusic
Pretty much yeah haha @StallFlight
Exactly the reaction I was aiming for! Haha XD @EternalDarkness
Haha! @Rub3n213
Haha yep! @Rub3n213
Wow nice work!
Thanks buddy! Thanks for your help :) @JelloAircraftCorporation
Thanks man!! :) @Treadmill103
Thank you my friend :) I will! @MAHADI
@MAHADI @ChiChiWerx @WarHawk95
@XjaysIndustrys @ThePilotDude @ACEPILOT109
@BogdanX @JelloAircraftCorporation @tylerdeveneuxmusic
@Chancey21 @jamesPLANESii @MrSilverWolf
Thank you very much :) @ThePrototype
Oh ok thank, I’ll redo that. @ThePrototype
Thanks buddy! I put a lot of hours into it, that’s for sure haha. @JelloAircraftCorporation
Oh haha gotcha. Happy accident :) @QingyuZhou
@ThePilotDude haha wow thanks man! That was super cool of you :) but you didn’t have to do that, really. But thank you
Japan? @QingyuZhou
I swear I’m not making this stuff up! Haha @Mostly
Haha. Ok man that’s cool @Gameboi14
Haha. Okay. What’s the reason? @Gameboi14
Thanks man! :) @T8flightcrafts
Sure man! @JelloAircraftCorporation
Wow very cool livery!
It was my pleasure, your builds are exemplary :) @Trainzo
Wow. Spectacular build, as always! I love the cockpit, absolutely incredible!
Haha well thanks man. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! @ACEPILOT109
Haha yeah I guess so. That’s probably why a lot of users use discord haha @ACEPILOT109
Ummm, lemme think. Well is it a USAF plane? If so, you could add those letters, and also the star insignia (I don’t know if it has an actual name, like roundels do). Maybe do some callsign letters? Also maybe you could use a fuselage inlet part to create an access panel here or there... other than that, I think I’d need to dL the plane and take a closer look at it to come up with more ideas. @ACEPILOT109
You’re good peeps man :)
I’m looking forward to seeing the finished MRSJSF! @ACEPILOT109
Looks very titillating! T most definitely!
Right on man :) shouldn’t take more than a few days I think... @ACEPILOT109
I think I’m going to make another ultralight, the Pouchel. @ACEPILOT109
@ACEPILOT109 thanks again man you are so cool!
@Chancey21 thanks for the upvote man! I’m only 400 points away, so every little bit helps! Haha
Ooh yeah, that’s a cool plane, I’ll put it on my todo list! Haha @Billieboybobdimes
Thanks man! :) if you like this, you might like my H&S Skylark @Billieboybobdimes
Haha thanks man, I appreciate that :) @ACEPILOT109
Thanks man, that’s really nice of you to say :) and it is definitely true about you as well! @ACEPILOT109
Man that is so so cool I am super jealous haha. @Chancey21
Oh nice man! What are you flying? @Chancey21
You should do it!!! :) @Chancey21