446 IamSage

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joined 3.7 years ago

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So, here we are. Found my profile page? I'm sure, by accident.

Anyway, I'm from the past. Y'know, relativity is weird. I aged just 8 years while you guys experienced 26 crazy years. How? I was travelling to Tau Ceti at near light speeds. Wheeeeee! I mean, I would've stayed there, if not for humanity. I had to save y'all.
Stupid humanity... getting in the way of my hobbies...

Get it? Get it?

Anyway, hello, I'm a science enthusiast and a crazy human. Welcome to my world!

As for simpleplanes, I'm just here to pass time, so, don't consider upvoting or even commenting, I might never reply!

No player is allowed to shoot any videos or post my stuff on social media!

Just in case my stuff blows up sometime.

Previously known as Aeres91