@soldier289 Don't worry, Touhou is a friendly and free culture. You don't need to know too much knowledge about it. You can learn about what you like. Nobody cares how many knowledge that you know.
@AXEPOH I'm fine with my planes at least.. even though they're not fairly comfortable to fly. Those planes can take off for sure, maybe you can try to adjust the physics quality?
我终于理解为什么谷歌play里简飞叫flight simulator了
+4@cx332 哎呀又是这种错误(捂脸)上次做海航反应过来了,没想到这个也是
+3@DatTrainAndCarGuy19, @HanakoSan, @ZerkkOtakuGuy
+3@HanakoSan thank you so much!
+2@CR929thenewSPplayer 谢谢大佬
+2Hey, I made a new one which was lot delicate than the old one from 2020
Okay then, this shi.t will be your waifu forever.lol
Chinese Touhou fan are here
+2@soldier289 Don't worry, Touhou is a friendly and free culture. You don't need to know too much knowledge about it. You can learn about what you like. Nobody cares how many knowledge that you know.
+2Everything begins... Look what I did nowadays!
+1@TheMouse 1156 parts for just a template... (no interior and livery)
+1@AkhiraTan0232 It's very easy to search on the web, whether you use google or bing
+1@KangIntel, @XProAerospaceAircrafts, @servedWithaSliceofCHEESE, @DatTrainGuy19, @LM0418, @HanakoSan, @SPAircraftOfficial, @RepublicOfCursedPlanes
+1@AXEPOH I'm fine with my planes at least.. even though they're not fairly comfortable to fly. Those planes can take off for sure, maybe you can try to adjust the physics quality?
+1@DatRoadTrainGuy19 probably because my poor skill of screenshot and too many parts.. (^^;;
+1@CookieCrumzReturns Huawei P30 Pro could run this build with the highest quality sets (^^;
+1This 727 model is the best I ever had seen in SP.
+1Love Sign [Master Spark]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1Chengdu J-20 (X)
+1There are no interiors inside (include cockpit)
@Convex Be calm, spend time, and then you can do it.
(I'm not that skilled though... orz
@V I tried a file explorer app, then boom. Solved!
@V still not showing up, but thanks!
@TheMouse I predict that the final count will exceed 3000. (^^;
@DCSplanepro12 thank you so much!
@SmokeLSTerror seems like somebody removed his upvote...(^^;;
@User1112 cause it was originally made in an old version
@NormalCv580enjoyer 🎉🎉🎉
@Decembermin I did now!
@BigAeroplane 舷窗还得跟您学(
从Yeager机场出发差不多向什么方向飞行?感觉飞到May war再转向有些浪费时间
@boom1738 nothing
@boom1738 what...?
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 that's right, I'm a lazy butt so i don't even set a new color for it...
Political correctness Santa
@WoWe125 你别up我了。。。。
@Luthansa2011 th, so give an upvote plz (^^;
@AlbertanPlaneMaker thanks
@AlbertanPlaneMaker That's amazing!!! Thank you so much for taking this shot. Also... could you tell me what software that could achieve this effect?