30 Imaginator007 Comments

  • First Aircraft (posted) 5 months ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles Haha, thanks! I hope it'll be comfortable.

  • First Aircraft (posted) 5 months ago

    Since typing in the console provided in-game is cumbersome, I'll post the details here:

    Light aircraft, with space for attaching weaponry if needed. It can take turns quite decently and is fast as well, reaching speeds more than 400mph. Take-off speed is around 140mph, which shouldn't be and issue since the plane has a slight upwards pitch bias for easier handling. It has a pair of airbrakes, and two parachutes which can be activated by AG-1.

    Note: Upon further exploring, this aircraft can stay airborne at 25% throttle once completing take-off.

    Suggestions and criticisms are welcome!