Oh no, I saw that one and that's was bare bones, I am tslk No about perfectly capable aircraft that the user is holding back to build up hype@SimpleTechAndResearch
Sorry but, you randomly comment we listen bro without any context, plus I am not asking for your real name but I am wondering are you thanking me for leaving an upvote or?@Ilovesthecheeses2 @Ilovesthecheeses2 @Ilovesthecheeses2
You are asking for criticism and not building hype @Flightsonic
I don't mind those@Flightsonic
K-3 is for me!!
Oh no, I saw that one and that's was bare bones, I am tslk No about perfectly capable aircraft that the user is holding back to build up hype@SimpleTechAndResearch
I'm guessing @PINK will double this
Ok, thanks@SimpleTechAndResearch
Maybe, I don't know@Thomasj041
I second this
Why not, let's waste my time
But, how???@Thefalloutplayr
Don't ask me how I found it, I was on that side of the internet I tink@TheGuyWhoFliesToGetHisPie
Oh god, I am going to enjoy this....@Imperium
Sorry but, you randomly comment we listen bro without any context, plus I am not asking for your real name but I am wondering are you thanking me for leaving an upvote or?@Ilovesthecheeses2 @Ilovesthecheeses2 @Ilovesthecheeses2
Sorry this seems rude to ask but, who are you??@Ilovesthecheeses2
Well then, that was the fastest I have seen people get to gold
Only 1 upvote??
I gues you could say that was a instert witty pun here!! XDDD@mattmck
Well, there goes my sleep
Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Not th dad jokes@mattmck
But you are on drugs?? How else would you comet something so utterly............ Random@Mohammedeyad
You are honestly high@Mohammedeyad
Where did you buy those drugs?? I want in@Mohammedeyad
Damn so@Arcues
It is 11:31 on a school night, I am tired. Send help@PINK
A jet?? Don't forget to mention me in it @Manatee
No, you are orange@PINK
I agree@General360
Silver pl0x
I have planes, how about you?? What are you planning to be you first plane??
Your profile pic gave me nightmare......@TehJetMan
No, it is good@SimpleTechAndResearch
Nooooo, not the vaults@Thefalloutplayr
I am building the bombers and missiles right now, you are wasting precious building time...... @SimpleTechAndResearch
Uhhhhh........ I guess@DeezDucks
We have to build our bombers and missiles in simple planes.....@SimpleTechAndResearch
No, that is copyrighted by another person@jsaret