Do you have a problem when K modify your builds? Because I did and some dude said that I just copy all the builds and repost them as my own. If it is a problem I won't do it again.
@Bityu And you even said, if someone could finish it how they thought fit.
(Too bad there wasn't a way to delete it. Since you have such a problem with it. Plus no one else has a problem when I modify their build with weapons and repost it.)
@Bityu Dude I never said that I built all my other creations. And maybe, I can only do so much because I am limited to what update I have. And I may have misspelled some things, but come on it's a game. Stop hating!
@Thueerra okay!
Do you have a problem when K modify your builds? Because I did and some dude said that I just copy all the builds and repost them as my own. If it is a problem I won't do it again.
@Bityu And you even said, if someone could finish it how they thought fit.
(Too bad there wasn't a way to delete it. Since you have such a problem with it. Plus no one else has a problem when I modify their build with weapons and repost it.)
@Bityu Dude I never said that I built all my other creations. And maybe, I can only do so much because I am limited to what update I have. And I may have misspelled some things, but come on it's a game. Stop hating!