@Anthony747800 Did you even download and tried out the build?
What did you even change here?
Nice ship
I think you should stop using Imgur as some people can't see your pictures, maybe try using Postimages.
Give credit to @BacardiE and @AnIndonesianGuy for the ATR-72.
All you did was change the color from this, zero effort
Thicc wings
@DameTheMobileFriendly I'm not accepting requests anymore, sorry.
@Kangy Thanks
Nice Corsair
Congrats on Platinum bud
@DrTaco Your F-16 is a 2 seater, the F-16C is single-seat
What did you change here?
I like how the right engine fan doesn't spin
@SyntheticL sure
Conspiracy theorists
Nice, flies great
@Hutaomyfriend thanks
nice username lol
Do an egg F-4D Phantom II pls
Congrats on reaching Platinum Buddy!
The roundel placement tho....
T pls
@Jokipetimatispongebob Do you mind explaining why did you steal My Mirage F1?
Very nice
@TheRealJBerry clicky
Cool train
@Trainzo @SyntheticL thanks
Why is the gear very short tho
Your Varshavyanka Project 1147
Not bad, this flies great
Very nice, I like it
Next time, first pic should be actual build
very nice
yeet bois
@Anthony747800 Did you even download and tried out the build?
+1What did you even change here?
+1Nice ship
+1I think you should stop using Imgur as some people can't see your pictures, maybe try using Postimages.
+1Give credit to @BacardiE and @AnIndonesianGuy for the ATR-72.
+1All you did was change the color from this, zero effort
+1Thicc wings
+1@DameTheMobileFriendly I'm not accepting requests anymore, sorry.
+1@Kangy Thanks
+1Nice Corsair
+1Congrats on Platinum bud
+1@DrTaco Your F-16 is a 2 seater, the F-16C is single-seat
+1What did you change here?
+1I like how the right engine fan doesn't spin
+1@SyntheticL sure
+1Conspiracy theorists
+1Nice, flies great
+1@Hutaomyfriend thanks
+1nice username lol
+1What did you change here?
+1Do an egg F-4D Phantom II pls
+1Congrats on reaching Platinum Buddy!
+1The roundel placement tho....
+1T pls
+1@Jokipetimatispongebob Do you mind explaining why did you steal My Mirage F1?
+1Very nice
+1T pls
+1@TheRealJBerry clicky
+1Cool train
+1@Trainzo @SyntheticL thanks
+1Why is the gear very short tho
+1Your Varshavyanka Project 1147
+1Not bad, this flies great
+1Very nice, I like it
+1Next time, first pic should be actual build
+1very nice
+1yeet bois