Yeah, but the developers have to make a living. Anyway, we should totally fly together sometime, my profile is DreamPilot and my callsign is N787SC. @ACMECo1940
Thanks. I used the rotator for pitch and added roll control surfaces to the elevators. The rotator is set to 15° because that is the optimum range for maximum pitch (in other words, any more and the elevators would start to act like air brakes, and any less then then the plane wouldn't pitch very much). Also, I kept the center of mass as close to the center of lift as possible, this seems to let aircraft maneuver more smoothly. @AV8R
Thanks @SteadfastContracting
Thank you @TrainDude
Thanks Tully @Tully2001
Good luck @CALVIN232
I'll spotlight the post, but no need to give me upvotes. @FASTFLIGHT
Ok, thanks. I'll probably make a WW2 era trainer plane. @FASTFLIGHT
I would like to enter, and I have a question.
what is the deadline for the challenge?
In September, I was at a fly-in at Triple-Tree Aerodrome, and there were four Lockheed Electras there at the same time! @BaconRoll
+1Thanks! Glad you like it. @Deloreandude
Thanks, and welcome back. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Yeah, but the developers have to make a living. Anyway, we should totally fly together sometime, my profile is DreamPilot and my callsign is N787SC. @ACMECo1940
@ACMECo1940 I fly on Infinite Flight a lot too. Do you have live multiplayer?
@Shadoscythe it's done.
I'll give it a go.
You're title should say Qantas instead of Quantis, but it looks good.
Thanks. I used the rotator for pitch and added roll control surfaces to the elevators. The rotator is set to 15° because that is the optimum range for maximum pitch (in other words, any more and the elevators would start to act like air brakes, and any less then then the plane wouldn't pitch very much). Also, I kept the center of mass as close to the center of lift as possible, this seems to let aircraft maneuver more smoothly. @AV8R
Cool @DankDorito
It's kinda amazing what you will see on cross-country air trips. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
I've seen the a380, two 747-400s, several 777s, a 787-8, and a c-130. Those are the largest planes I've seen. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Ok. I saw an a380 at the Denver airport, and they look absolutely massive in real life. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation
Thank you! @BadMuzzy
Thanks! @Treadmill103
This is my entry into your challenge @DankDorito
Wow, that's a ton of info @AdrianFlyingAce
Thanks @BadMuzzy
I'm in.
Thanks @DahezDefalt
Thank you@DahezDefalt
Thanks @Liquidfox
Ok, done @jackhammer312
Np! @NativeChief1492
Done @NativeChief1492
Hurray! @ViciousTNT
Thanks @ForeverPie
The shaking is due to whacky physics due to weight, if that's what you mean @Delta737800
What do you mean? @Delta737800
Thanks! @XxcreedexX
I don't know why they don't make em that quick in real life. @TTHHSSSS
Cool, thanks @SkullsAndCrossbones
Cool, I'm currently building the t-x
Alright thanks, maybe a rv 8 @Fuunguy666
Whenever I can finish it, the AI is a pain to deal with @ViciousTNT
Thanks @Liquidfox
Sure @NativeChief1492
Thanks @ForeverPie
I'm in