569 Jacktheback1

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joined 2.7 years ago

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I will accept build requests, but no guarantee that it will be built

About me:
I am a 16yr old original born in the UK but left at the age of 5, now in Aussie. I use to build on mobile(Android) but now build on PC, I don't MOD any of my builds, if I do I will make a mobile friendly version as well so that people on mobile don't miss out. I am South African so tend to build South African Military vehicles. I mostly do ground forces (WW1/2 and fictional but some modern day ones) but do make some aircraft but mostly custom ones that are based off real aircraft, I also make extra random bits for you to use. I am going to start doing posts with little tips on to help other builders. I have to play on the lowest graphic settings so please don't blame me if the colour is off, I try make it as close as I can.

My War Thunder name is TTVJacktheback

My Discord is Jack the back#9817 Message me to join my server

My Twitch channel: jackthebackyt