Since I don't have a computer I have to use it on mobile put it on low the propellers just break after takeoff
@Uchanka everyone that is in the chopper oh no me fortunate son starts playing :-D
No prob I will watch your career with great interest
It drives great
I will give it a test drive it and let you know how it is afterwards ok
спасибо товарищ и будьте готовы к
How many megatons are the nukes
Hey um when is emergency 3 coming out?
Opportunity 😢
Well umm how do I put it it crashed my game
Is this mobile friendly?
No problem anytime
The mig makes a little bit shorter turns while that full power but I do like what you did with the plane
It just needs a little bit more handling that all
I will give it a try and I will let you know how it goes
Since I don't have a computer I have to use it on mobile put it on low the propellers just break after takeoff
@Uchanka everyone that is in the chopper oh no me fortunate son starts playing :-D
+3No prob I will watch your career with great interest
It drives great
I will give it a test drive it and let you know how it is afterwards ok
спасибо товарищ и будьте готовы к
+1How many megatons are the nukes
Hey um when is emergency 3 coming out?
Opportunity 😢
Well umm how do I put it it crashed my game
Is this mobile friendly?
No problem anytime
The mig makes a little bit shorter turns while that full power but I do like what you did with the plane
It just needs a little bit more handling that all
I will give it a try and I will let you know how it goes