135 JamesMakePlanes Comments

  • Dassault Rafale M F3 7.0 years ago

    @Authros for simple rockets 2 is it a new separated game or a upgraded simple rockets that’s not a new separated games? Also when is it coming out like March?

  • Good Small Stable Helicopter 7.6 years ago

    Hi :)

  • Decent fighter jet 7.6 years ago

    Wow thanks guys almost 50 downloads!

  • Decent fighter jet 7.6 years ago

    Thanks :) @DestinyAviation

  • Sukhoi Sea Fighter 7.6 years ago

    Hey destiny I'm not sure you heard this but there's a ship called USS Beast the only way to have the location on USS BEAST is to land on it.

    1.To find it spawn at wright airport and takeoff.
    2. Keep heading straight And the USS Beast maybe on the west side after when you took off.
    3.Try to keep eye on the ocean until you find the uss beast.

  • Helicopter 7.6 years ago

    Note:This Helicopter is Landable! ;)