Day1では、待ちに待った個別衣装の「Welcome!!」、「電波感傷」、「EVERYDAY STARS!!」、「Rat A Tat!!!」をはじめ、Day2のオリメン・フルメンのTeam曲、39全員で歌い、ミリオンらしさが詰まった「UNION!!」、「Thank you!」
In Day 1, the long-awaited individual costumes "Welcome! , "Denpa kansho", "EVERYDAY STARS!!!", "Rat A Tat!!! ", the team songs of the original and full members of Day2, "UNION!!!" which was sung by all 39 members and filled with the Million's style, and "Thank you!"
It was a very emotional 2 days for me and I fell in love with Million Live more and more!!!
「「「「Million Live will never stop from now on!!!!!!(Koroazu)」」」」
白石紬さん、南早紀さん すこ
Day1では、待ちに待った個別衣装の「Welcome!!」、「電波感傷」、「EVERYDAY STARS!!」、「Rat A Tat!!!」をはじめ、Day2のオリメン・フルメンのTeam曲、39全員で歌い、ミリオンらしさが詰まった「UNION!!」、「Thank you!」
In Day 1, the long-awaited individual costumes "Welcome! , "Denpa kansho", "EVERYDAY STARS!!!", "Rat A Tat!!! ", the team songs of the original and full members of Day2, "UNION!!!" which was sung by all 39 members and filled with the Million's style, and "Thank you!"
It was a very emotional 2 days for me and I fell in love with Million Live more and more!!!
「「「「Million Live will never stop from now on!!!!!!(Koroazu)」」」」
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
ミリオン10th Act-4 MILLION THE@TER お疲れ様でした!!