I need it fast so it looks like a laser so I cant decrease the projectile speed. impact damage scalar whats that? I cant increase the health of the build i want it to be playable in multiplayer even tho i cant rip mods ios@Ultra0
Can i ask for tips on how to make curvy body lines of a race car im trying to make the lm55gvt im not good at curvy cars as you can see from my first race car:/
Oooh my device limits me from exceeding 1000parts rip but atleast it mobile friendly great build just very laggy on my phone i know theres a mobile friendly version but the details in this thing w o a h @Wakescar
Sorry i wanted it when I activated AG1 it will extend fast then retract slowly back or is it possible to set the pistons to the fire button? Still new at funky trees@SnoWFLakE0s
This is the thing im working on. I need the laser cannon to go back to its original place after when im done using it even tho the trim is up@jamesPLANESii
Sorry for butting in but what is the issue is it because of some copying others like that? Not that i assume both of you copied each other but im curios to why it escalted so quickly sorry again for butting in @Freerider2142
Id love to see it be destroyed:)@EliteArsenals24
To anyone wondering what im wanting to do with the cannon is this
I did still to much just need it to tickle but still damage @Zokowi
I need it fast so it looks like a laser so I cant decrease the projectile speed. impact damage scalar whats that? I cant increase the health of the build i want it to be playable in multiplayer even tho i cant rip mods ios@Ultra0
There is for guns but for cannons idk @jamesPLANESii
Still does way to much damage i need it to just tickle @Noname918181 @Zokowi
Rip iOS upload with screen shots
Thanks:)@P0TET0Z @P0TET0Z
Ohhhhh never tried that ill try it thanks:)@ReignSUPREME
Can i ask for tips on how to make curvy body lines of a race car im trying to make the lm55gvt im not good at curvy cars as you can see from my first race car:/
Is that a movie?@TrislandianAlliance
Oooh my device limits me from exceeding 1000parts rip but atleast it mobile friendly great build just very laggy on my phone i know theres a mobile friendly version but the details in this thing w o a h @Wakescar
What ios device do you play on?
Putting more traction on the wheels make it wiggle alot so i need torque @jamesPLANESii
Im making an off-road vehicle i need torque not speed would maxAngularVelocity do it? @jamesPLANESii
Sorry i wanted it when I activated AG1 it will extend fast then retract slowly back or is it possible to set the pistons to the fire button? Still new at funky trees@SnoWFLakE0s
Hey man slr was busy with school this is what i need it for
this thing
Whats the command?? I dont know how@SnoWFLakE0s
What the purpose of the triangle support thing? Ive never built a plane might try
How does that work?@Flightsonic @Flightsonic
I just copy an pasted the codes from this creationctto.@ArcturusAerospace
Okay okay goood it does not work with others:/ maybe the bc of the update version @EliteArsenals24
Does the legs work?? @EliteArsenals24 @scratch
Do it for the memes@scratch
Its keeps bobbing up and down
This is the thing im working on. I need the laser cannon to go back to its original place after when im done using it even tho the trim is up@jamesPLANESii
Last question. I need a rotator to go back to its place when i deactivate ag3 how can you do that? do you use smooth?@edensk
Sorry for butting in but what is the issue is it because of some copying others like that? Not that i assume both of you copied each other but im curios to why it escalted so quickly sorry again for butting in @Freerider2142
Its supposed to be a smoke thing @Zippy6
I know but how @Hellosss38
@nagisa can you help me do the program of a walker im doing?
Put the vertical stabilizer father back it should fix it
Thanks ill try it@jamesPLANESii
Heres the thing im working on http://www.simpleplanes.com/a/VHiMaU/Active-aero-test
I mean like have a brake and roll input in one hindge is it possible?@jamesPLANESii
Use the finetuner mod then select the parts you want transparent then dont cancel immediately upload the craft @JDog3106
Thank youuuu@LastManStanding
What does abs and clamp mean? i just copy and pasted the programs:/ im willing to learn but cant understand some forums @Freerider2142