4,731 JavierWorks

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joined 4.1 years ago

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Player Biography  

Hey Y'all. Welcome to my Profile.

As an Android user, I aim to bring people mobile friendly planes with such details

Basic info

I'm a Scalemodeler and also a Papermodeler. I'm using SimplePlanes as my simulation field of whether my Miniature model of a plane will fly.


I'm Interested in aviation, architecture, war vehicles, and gaming. I'm also interested in cycling. I cycle for about 20km every day to stay fit. Also I'm interested in Dogs and Cats. Everytime i see 1, I'll look at it more than a minute.

Genre of Builds



PSM planes

I Have Fictional Companies below, have a look on each of their planes.

Fictional Companies


PAA (Philippine Advance Aeronautics )
PPU-1 Fighting Dart
PTA-1 Strike Dart
PPU-23 Grey Spade
HiA SR mk.1 Scanner
Raiquaza19 Air Company
MR-20 Cavalier
PMR-20 Knight
F/I-1 Reaper
HIAF (Hadid Islamic Air Force)
(Still has no plane)
IAD (International Air Defenders)
(Still has no plane)


Raiquaza19 AirLines
(Still has no plane)
PAA (Philippine Authentic Airlines)
(Still has no plane)
JX (Javier eXperimentals)
(Still has no plane)

Previously known as Raiquaza19, Raiquaza19AirComp