2,595 Jawsjr Comments

  • JRC-111 coyote 1.9 years ago

    @SilverStar yes heavily inspired by the RC-135 my dad flew it and it was his birthday this past Saturday hence the tail number! So I made it in honor of him. And the RC-135 is one of my favorites.

  • Learjet 23/24 2.0 years ago

    This plane helped me learn how to make custom gear! Thanks for making such incredible planes!

  • Titanic Virtual Museum 2.0 years ago

    This is probably the most unique thing I have seen on this website and I had so much fun going through it!

  • D-36 Tripwire 2.1 years ago

    Oh also I suggest making the landing gear further apart and shorter because it is super tall and it tips (also make nose wheel turnable)

  • D-36 Tripwire 2.1 years ago

    Also the Propellers have no trim and they look super fat and chunky and strange other than that stuff it is different and I think its cool and I am exited to see more large aircraft coming from fox aeronautics!

  • D-36 Tripwire 2.1 years ago

    So it flys well but I think it looks really blocky and chunky like a minecraft thing. Alot of the details seem rushed and just slapped on. Also the “operator” thing doesn’t really made sense because there are a whole bunch of “operators” in an AWACS aircraft and they are not in the cockpit. The trim levers are opposite and it just is weird that the “operator” even has a trim lever. The wings folding is cool.

  • JT-104 Revised 2.2 years ago

    I really hope you like it and im sorry about the problems with the last one. Thanks

  • German AN-225 2.6 years ago

    Truly a work of art😌

  • D-25 Papercut 2.9 years ago

    This is definitely the best plane you have uploaded it is great for your 3rd or 4th plane the ailerons and elevator configuration is tbh the strangest i have ever seen but it works great job i have no cons with this aircraft!

  • JF-113 Tiger snake 1.8 years ago

    @Robomo119DerMustangKiller awesome! I will certainly download it

  • JF-113 Tiger snake 1.8 years ago

    @Robomo119DerMustangKiller yes I do! Thanks so much Im glad you enjoy!

  • JX-112 black widow II 1.9 years ago

    @CaptainFoxx thanks for your feedback! The one comment I have is the payload part. This is an experimental aircraft meant to test the limits of pilots and weapons. Also we would put more payload on it but the current payload the JJAF is using is highly classified.

  • D-38 Aggrivator 1.9 years ago

    This plane is OK all around everything is just ok. I think its a step in the right direction! And I respect you for trying something new but the thrust vectoring doesn’t make a difference much and really just makes it more difficult at times to maneuver I definitely think it needs more work but other than that its ok I think the scoop looks a little weird and out of place and you should make it smaller but thats just my own personal opinion. Also make the engine bigger it looks kinda strange.

  • JX-112 black widow II 1.9 years ago

    @Robomo00119 thanks!

  • JRC-111 coyote 1.9 years ago

    @CaptainFoxx I agree with the roll 100% the reason it is slippery is because atleast the why I do it I scale down the wings so there is no wing flex pops out of the fuselage pieces witch makes it very slippery for some reason one day I will figure it out lol. Also the blades I do not individually build they are propellers that I use the tuning mod to change the diameter and the amount of blades and the pitch and everything! It is very rewarding and simple! Thanks for all your positive feedback!

  • D-37 Maspyr 2.0 years ago

    I love it!!!! the only thing that is remotely negative is I think the guns are a little big other than that I LOVE this plane I will certainly be flying this around! And for the fuel I suggest going into a fuselage piece and disable its mass and make the fuel percentage like 10 or 100 or something. But yeah its a great plane and I think its my favorite of yours so far!!!! I LOVE the look too by the way!!!

  • JTR-110 nighthawk 2.0 years ago

    I am also revising this aircraft for more versions of my new buisness jet series! So stay tuned for the coming aircraft!

  • DC-18 Polymer 2.0 years ago

    I think it needs alot of work. The plane seems extremely rushed and lacking in detail. The aircraft’s center of mass and center of lift are too far apart and makes the aircraft pitch down very aggressively. I do like the flaps they are a little big but other than that I like it. Also a little nit picking here the red and green lights on the wings are nav lights not beacon I think the cockpit is whats lacking the most with very little detail it all just seems very slapped together with not much thought and especially the glass around the cockpit is just very lackluster and boring I also dont like the engine placement but that is just a opinion of mine. I think this is a step in the right direction to more diversity in your fleet.

  • JCT-109 2.0 years ago

    @CaptainFoxx all of that is fair and I appreciate your feedback! I dont remember why the rudder is not there I remember I took it off but not sure why. The one thing I disagree with is the thing about the nose. Every airplane you come across does that. That is why trim is a thing. The aircraft does produce enough lift. And the roll is also a strange comment it seems to me like you are going hard over when your flying that is why the roll is strong because you are over doing it.

  • JCT-109 2.0 years ago

    This also is my most “complex” build with 262 parts!

  • JE-107 stalker 2.1 years ago

    @CaptainFoxx my brother💀 thank you but that is the APU it is a little engine meant to start up things such as the other engines and give the plane electricity (before the engines do) its on every large aircraft for the most part other aircraft can also use GPUs you should probably look into it

  • JE-107 stalker 2.1 years ago

    @CaptainFoxx is my friend

  • JT-104 Revised 2.2 years ago

    Thank you! @Gabriel747

  • JT-104 2.2 years ago

    Gosh I did not notice the issue where the JJAF titles disappear and move through the wings and stuff sorry about that!

  • JT-104 2.2 years ago

    Also I kind of tried a logo on the back sides of the aircraft let me know what you think!

  • D-100 Sledgehammer 2.4 years ago

    Alright i have some feedback 1st off the missiles dont work they literally just fall i tried with the intercepters and infernos i just realized I forgot to do the cleaver but im to lazy to do that now. 2nd the plane nosedives immediately if you let go of controls when your taking off or for me pretty much just under 1000mph. 3rd the wings on the far sides of each wing wobble around ALOT when ever i touch the controls they wobble normally this wouldn’t be in issue but you pointed it out on mine so now i do you. 4th the plane is far too sensitive in my opinion for a bomber i tried for 10 mins to just lock on to something. 5th add speed brakes all engines need to be throttle down(ed) before landing your plane needs speedbrakes my brotha. 6 the cockpit is to dark especially on the screens I suggest making the text a brighter color because the screens are meant for us to take a easy look and keep flying so we kinda need to see those. 7 just move the cockpit camera down it clips through the glass
    Other than that i did have alot of fun with it (the cannons are super fun)

  • JC-05B 2.5 years ago

    Also the cockpit is meant to be very simple as just a fun stunt aircraft so it has everything it needs and nothing more

  • AG-16 Raven 2.5 years ago

    I really like the cockpit other than the views

  • AG-16 Raven 2.5 years ago

    I like the look but i have comments.
    Issues i have.
    1. Its not swept wing its a swing wing
    2.there is a huge cap in the cockpit
    3. There are 2 camera views in the cockpit
    4. I feel the cockpit camera is too high and you have to actually look down to see the cockpit witch doesn’t work for trying to see the gauges.
    5.the alirons and elevators are way too big and make the plane way too maneuverable for nothing because the second you let go the plane bounces back and makes actually bombing something accurately.
    6. Actually all the control surfaces are too big make them all smaller
    7. The payload sucks like only 4 actual bombs just way under done especially with the amount of power this plane has.

  • JF-99 butcher 2.5 years ago

    It turns on AB and makes the plane go way faster and also makes it more maneuverable i was gonna call it “fighter mode” but that sounds goofy so even though “butcher mode” is cheesy i would rather that than goofy

  • JF-99 butcher 2.5 years ago

    Did you press it? @CaptainFoxx

  • D-27 Serpent 2.5 years ago

    Great plane there is no performance issues i could find the only things i dont like are the landing gear config and the engine config and engines i just feel like the change to the curve is too abrupt and doesn’t look smooth it looks pretty ugly to me and the engines are just to small IMO but if you like it keep it!

  • J-97 gladiator 2.6 years ago

    @CaptainFoxx so the reason the vertical stabs are like that because it helps the plane stay more stable i dont do that for looks. And the cockpit isn’t “modified” its just for it to look more like a cold war era plane. Also my ipad turned off and wont turn back on (its not dead and nothing shows up when i try to reset/ charge it) so progress on the J-98 is stoped until it is fixed so that sucks

  • CT-11 Slasher 2.6 years ago

    All i really have to say about this is make the ailerons smaller they are just crazy sensitive compared to the elevators but yeah good aircraft im not a huge fan of the look but hey its your plane! I like it and the cockpit is awesome i love it

  • JA-96 Vigilante 2.6 years ago

    @Bumpkin once again it is not meant for vr if it was meant for VR it would have the VR tag.

  • JA-96 Vigilante 2.6 years ago

    @Bumpkin yes it does?

  • JA-96 Vigilante 2.6 years ago

    @Bumpkin the maneuverability is realistic most of my other planes maneuverability is unrealistic.

  • JA-96 Vigilante 2.6 years ago

    @Bumpkin also it does not need aiming reticle because the cannons provide that semi translucent green line when activated.

  • JA-96 Vigilante 2.6 years ago

    @Bumpkin 1. It isn’t difficult to pull up. It is a accurate rate of climb. I have tried to make this realistic to how it would be when your going 400-600mph. 2. That is because it is not a vr aircraft it does not have a need for targeting buttons and it also does not need trim most fighter jets do not have trim. Thank you for your feedback!

  • KON 4000 2.6 years ago

    This thing is awesome!

  • AG-15 THOR 2.7 years ago

    There isn’t any big issues with the plane other than it being a flying brick i like it.

  • J-94 shooting star 2.8 years ago

    Thank you! (Sorry it is not as detailed as some of my other ones! @Bumpkin

  • J-92 ghost 2.9 years ago

    @Bumpkin thats strange because if you go into settings on those buttons they have all the things and also just switch the trim reset button to actually reset trim sorry about that

  • DZ-45 “Soaring Sword” 2.9 years ago

    Ok so not trying to be rude but this is the most cursed plane i have ever seen. Like whats with all the gaps😭 ok but seriously it flys pretty well

  • J-91 2.9 years ago

    Also this craft is not meant for VR yet!

  • CD-17 Whistle 2.9 years ago

    Oh woops i thought it said supersonic nit sub my bad

  • CD-17 Whistle 2.9 years ago

    So i have some feedback 1. What do you mean bu passenger jet like airliner? Or what because it only has one seat and its way to short to stand up in it to get to other seats so tell me what you meant 2 its not super sonic it can only reach super sonic speeds in a dive at full throttle 3 the landing gear move it forward 4 move the wings or engines back the engines are way too powerful for the aircraft.

  • JC-02 2.9 years ago

    Thank you so much I appreciate it!

  • D-25 Papercut 2.9 years ago

    Also “papercut” i love that

  • J-89 COBRA 2.9 years ago

    @V also the big red switch drops it!