22 Jawz Comments

  • excelsior mk1 9.2 years ago

    This plane really is the best, wow!

  • SimpleTrains? 9.3 years ago

    That does sound like a fun game actually.

  • Futurististic Looks, Mach 1+ speeds 9.3 years ago

    Thanks so much for your help! I just made my second plane, maybe you could check that out and try to fix it when you have time? :) Read the description for the problem if you decide to try and fix it.

  • Futurististic Looks, Mach 1+ speeds 9.3 years ago

    @icecoldlava Thanks, but what exactly did you change? All I notice is you added fuel blocks and moved the inlet, but what settings did you change and are there other differences? I like it :)

    Edit: It curves left by itself when it flies, is that something I did or that you did on accident? Sorry for so many questions, just don't want to make any mistakes on my new planes I make.

    Edit 2: why didn't I read the comments