30 JebidiahTestingLtd

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At Jebidiah Testing Ltd., our primary focus is safety, with a little bit of fun added as well. We are specialists in aerocraft testing and evaluation. By sending us your vehicles for analysis, you get the Jebidiah difference and the knowledge that your aircraft is safe, fun, reliable and Jebidiah approved!


All aircraft submitted to the company are thoroughly inspected, tested and evaluated for faults, errors, glitches, engineering problems and safety. The process is as such:

The aircraft you want tested is submitted either by email link (below) or mention on site. The aircraft is then glanced at and may be selected for testing.

Inspection includes thorough searches for faults and engineering missteps that could affect the overall capability of the aircraft. Should their be a problem during this phase, we will let you know what it is and how to fix it.

The beef of our work, it includes an unlimited amount of testing flights flown by our world-renowned test pilots and engineers. The aircraft submitted will be rigorously flown so a to test for stress and loads abilities, propulsion reliability, occupant safety and much more.

At the end of the first two phases, should your aircraft pass, then it will be given an overall rating and an official report will be submitted to you detailing the results of the testing and inspection phases, as well as any other information that is necessary to supply.


All aircraft that passes Jeb's testing and evaluation are given an official certification from the company and are authorized to distribute their aircraft with statements on the safety and performance capabilities of the craft.

Thank you for choosing Jeb! We await to fly for you!

Email for submission: kliam5155@gmail.com