30 JetLegend Comments

  • A350-1000 (Improved) 3.6 years ago

    @JetLegend AG2 + BRAKE= Reverse thrust
    AG3 + BRAKE= Spoilers
    AG4= Gyro
    AG8= Engines + lights
    VTOL DOWN= Flaps

  • A350-1000 (Improved) 3.6 years ago

    Now before any one says I Stoll it I never said this is fully my creation. What I did was: Create a new cab exterior; new engines; new landing gear and a modified fuselage.

  • A350-800 3.7 years ago

    The improved version

  • A350-500 3.7 years ago

    Download overload mod and change hinge range from 90 to 120 for the front landing gear and save creation, I will upload updated version soon.

  • A350-1000 3.7 years ago

    @Plane66373637 Sorry I understand I am modifying it right now to make it less like an A330

  • A340-600 Airbus House Colors (Flexible Wings) 3.7 years ago

    @Eggplant Could you pls check out A350-1000 I made with your amazing A340-600. At https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/7nuFby/A350-1000

  • A350-1000 3.7 years ago

    @Plane66373637 I can understand but, the A350 is built from scratch with a 50% composite materials, meaning a lighter but more expensive aircraft. A lighter aircraft means fewer fuel costs and more savings over time.

  • A350-800 3.7 years ago

    @Yesthisismynewusername I don't steal creations I just modify them to make them better or create a new design using there creation as a base aircraft