Multiplayer is never coming, the devs would have to reprogram the entire game. Making a multiplayer mod with all that is not easy, we're lucky we have a multiplayer mod at all
! [picture of a cat] (;ylt=AwrB8o.BF7FW5wYAX9CKnIlQ;ylu=X3oDMTIybDFzbjIzBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMzNjgzZWMzYTE2NGQ0NTZiOTJjYzE3OGY2OWI5OWE0YwRncG9zAzEEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&
public Material designerSkybox;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
RenderSettings.skybox = designerSkybox;
var ClearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Skybox;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
for some reason, when i posted this comment, it's replacing some of the symbols with other stuff
try putting some random blocks together, or getting an idea from a object in your house or something, that's what i did, and it turned into a really cool defense tower
@PvPSky here. a structure wing with control surfaces enabled, it shouldn't bend no matter how large you make it. no credit needed if you use it, it doesn't take much to go into the aircraft's files and set control surfaces to True
@PvPSky it's nice. wings bend a bit though that can be easily fixed, just use structural wings with control surfaces set to True, and it likes to fly downwards though. also where in the world did you fit 49 infernos and 20 guardians? O_O
@Hyattorama never thought a 1500 part box would be my most upvoted build lol
+4It's official: Jetspeed"1001" got andrew to 1001 followers!!!!!! COINCIDENCE???
+4I swear, if memes come up on SR2's website...
+4I swear, if memes pop up on the forums in SR2's website...
+3Multiplayer is never coming, the devs would have to reprogram the entire game. Making a multiplayer mod with all that is not easy, we're lucky we have a multiplayer mod at all
+2why would you need that when you can A: see how much drag and where most is at in the designer. and B: you can fly it and test it?
+2Ever heard about an "unlisted" post?
+2@Fluffysheep LOL
+2No @Windymango Maywar isn't on mobile either. Because it's WAY too big
+2The desert island isn't on mobile @Enderdragon907
+2thanks @Skua
+2! [picture of a cat] (;ylt=AwrB8o.BF7FW5wYAX9CKnIlQ;ylu=X3oDMTIybDFzbjIzBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMzNjgzZWMzYTE2NGQ0NTZiOTJjYzE3OGY2OWI5OWE0YwRncG9zAzEEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&
+2How? @Skua
+2You should probably read the rules
+1reported :)
+1@Gestour this is what i did:
for some reason, when i posted this comment, it's replacing some of the symbols with other stuff
+1try putting some random blocks together, or getting an idea from a object in your house or something, that's what i did, and it turned into a really cool defense tower
+1@Gestour Thanks!
+1@DemonSniper8 %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes
+1i'm pretty sure it'll be a lot like SP
+1@randomusername it happened a few days ago too
+1@RamboJutter it won't work if it's a fuselage block connected to the wheel cuz of the way i'm using it
+1@Chancey21 and i'll put them on a unlisted post, it'll take some time though, there's a lot
+1looks the same to me?
+1@CDRxavier nu, u get nu potatoes cuz u upvoted
+1@aircraftarsenal123 idk. when i looked it up it said 32 mph
+1@PvPSky here. a structure wing with control surfaces enabled, it shouldn't bend no matter how large you make it. no credit needed if you use it, it doesn't take much to go into the aircraft's files and set control surfaces to True
+1@PvPSky oh.
+1@PvPSky it's nice. wings bend a bit though that can be easily fixed, just use structural wings with control surfaces set to True, and it likes to fly downwards though. also where in the world did you fit 49 infernos and 20 guardians? O_O
+1@PvPSky oh lol
+1@PvPSky i was joking, when i said that there was no description or title
+1@Strikefighter04 read very bottom line of description :)
+1@Chancey21 @GritAerospaceSolutionsLTD @FastDan updated description lol
+1@FastDan ikr
+1that is not a paint bug, that happens whenever a part detaches from the cockpit in the designer