165 JonhHarvest Comments

  • Jet 7.1 years ago

    Ohhhh I didn't notice that! Sorry, I was out of the city. I'll change it as soon as I get my laptop on.

  • IL-4 7.1 years ago

    @ProvingMars Thank you so much ProvingMars, I will check out the mod and fix it up. Thank you again.

  • IL-4 7.1 years ago

    It is at 2.7K galons of fuel, I highly recomend lowering them to about 800 to improve flying. However using the full load will give you a good around hour of flying if you are feeling like exploring the map.

  • Rocket v1 7.1 years ago

    @ProvingMars Yes my fellow pilot, I love building. I am pretty impressed myself for not discovering this game earlier. Thank you so much for visiting!

  • Hydro plane 7.1 years ago

    Thank you ProvingMars for upvoting my first water-land plane! It took many fail and redo to make it work.

  • Harvest's plane (both terrain) 7.1 years ago

    Thank you AtlasSP for voting up my first real attemp of making a nice plane.