105 Joseph_Stalin

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joined 6.9 years ago

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United forever in friendship and labour,
Our mighty republic will ever endure. The Great Soviet Union will live through the ages. The dream of the people free from fear. Their fortress secure. In the end, our great revolution will not cease. It will not shrink, it will not falter. We have made the great mistakes of our history. The people who rule today will face them the more strongly. The masses now have a higher feeling for the struggle then those who ruled at the beginning. They are still the best fighters, the best leaders. We will be ready, just as the Tsars were ready. The struggle for Socialism is not easy, we know, but this fight is the best we can fight for now if we are strong. Our future lies, after all, with the people. The world will be the better for it. I have known men without the will to live, but without the will to die. They wanted to rule, but were not good leaders. They wanted to hold power, but were torn apart.

Previously known as USRR