An interesting thing to add though it might be very hard to implement is to cut (subtract), intersect, and add parts to another. Meaning cut removes an intersecting part from another to make new shapes, intersect removing everything but the intersecting part from the parts and add adding together parts (add could be scrapped though, but it would make it easier to create sub grouped parts)
Die Musik für die deutsche Nationalhymne wurde glaube ich von einem österreichischen Komponisten geschrieben (The music for the German anthem was written by an austrian composer, i think)
your input+sin(-PitchAngle) If you use VTOL or Trim as inputs you should add another rotator or something else to make it show up. but if you turn your tank or whatever over the gun will turn 180°
Hi I hope The weapon lights work as intended quick tip though
If you upload a plane with mods it becomes less popular because it won't start without that mod.
[] ( better late than never
@Mustang51 thanks I'm planning to upload a eurofighter weapons pack at the moment I have the ASRAAM, the IRIS-T, the Meteor and the Spear 3 (i have to redo the Stormshadow)
An interesting thing to add though it might be very hard to implement is to cut (subtract), intersect, and add parts to another. Meaning cut removes an intersecting part from another to make new shapes, intersect removing everything but the intersecting part from the parts and add adding together parts (add could be scrapped though, but it would make it easier to create sub grouped parts)
+7Nice to meet you Elon
+3@LunarEclipseSP @theIntruderReal
+1Quick build the LEGO rescue helicopter to pull them out!
@Gbhole You are quick Thanks
+1Die Musik für die deutsche Nationalhymne wurde glaube ich von einem österreichischen Komponisten geschrieben (The music for the German anthem was written by an austrian composer, i think)
+1@Subnerdica still thanks
+1@Spacedoge12345plane okay
+1your input+sin(-PitchAngle) If you use VTOL or Trim as inputs you should add another rotator or something else to make it show up. but if you turn your tank or whatever over the gun will turn 180°
+1Your planes look great I think you have potential.
+1If you ever need help with something tell me.
WOW this is a really good concept ask Boeing if they want to have it
+1thanks for the spotlight and the upvote @edensk
+1@Subnerdica no problem it
+1looks cool
+1@Subnerdica NP
+1damage IDK but fire rate and scale sure
+1@Subnerdica yea Stuka stands for Sturz Kampf Bomer witch means Dive bomber so...
+1@Subnerdica it's alright
+1@Subnerdica I don't know if you can do that
+1Do you mean first one drops 2 sec second one drops
+1@Mustang51 Thank you I've already done a few builds
+1Du bist nicht mehr normal.
+1No i matched the mg's reload time ,bullet speed and weight of the bullets (informations match with the ones from WarThunder)
+1@TheGliderGuy Here you go
@TheGliderGuy yeah sure no worries if you want I can give you just a small version of it
Hi I hope The weapon lights work as intended quick tip though
If you upload a plane with mods it becomes less popular because it won't start without that mod.
@masso Hey for Future reffernce here is a link
@Gbhole Thanks I did my best
@Memri 180° so the higher part is in the front
Can you turn it?
Thanks @Mustang51
is it international that it flaps with it's wings?
@Subnerdica thanks this flies a lot better since SP doesn't calculate it
[] ( better late than never
@Subnerdica thanks
@Armyguy1534 I mean with finetuner
@Armyguy1534 I'm gonna try and buid the SG 38 so I'm not going to win in the range department
@Armyguy1534 i think there is a way to downscale with mass calculation can I do that?
@Armyguy1534 yeah
Okay I'll have a think
so quick question can I edit the weight (mine weighs unfinished ~2000kg) now that is with decorations (eg. Wingcasing ~1000kg)
This flies really good. Well done.
Great Job!
Try and set "turning" input to roll so you can drive with wasd
@CrazyCatZe kein problem (da ich dich nicht spotlighten kann)
@Mustang51 that's an Idea (I'm actually working on a Fighter)
@Mustang51 at the moment I'm not planning on building one but there are still a few weapons I have to build so I might change my mind some day
@Mustang51 thanks I'm planning to upload a eurofighter weapons pack at the moment I have the ASRAAM, the IRIS-T, the Meteor and the Spear 3 (i have to redo the Stormshadow)
Where did you put your cockpit?