45 Justinurface Comments

  • jeep comanche(lifted) 5.2 years ago

    @Sm10684 I loved your build, I just threw some Texas into it👍🏼

  • EMS Rally truck 5.1 years ago

    @EternalDarkness this is the second time, I have read the rules multiple times and what you have done and said is not stated anywhere in them, if you want to remove this update your rules because I have done multiple things to this vehicle and as for crediting, it auto credits

  • EMS Rally truck 5.2 years ago

    @EternalDarkness @EternalDarkness
    In the rules it clearly state” It is okay to download someone else's airplane, make some tweaks, and re-upload a new variation.” in my bio it states that I lift vehicles, make them faster and better, meaning I change tires motors and fix bugs that may occur, I would appreciate if you would tell me exactly what was not done in those 3 and I will fix it