Looks nice
@Fish83828 Thanks
@Fish83828 Happy birthday! How old are you? I turned 14 on the 14th
@Gro Will it say "command not found"?
@Gro Thanks. So I push this ` I type like this "Hello and then I push enter
I think I found out what the problem was. Multiplayer mod does not like engines with no blades.
@aojun Ive got the blue prints. I will start this evening. Sorry Ive been really busy lately.
@JustWingIt Ok Thanks
@aojun Ok
Third place! Good job.
You came in second!! Good job.
You win!!! What do you want me to build you?
Sorry to hear about that
I am going to enter. I dont know If I will have time though. I have been very busy lately.
So you are I think the only person to make a plane for this challenge. You win
@asteroidbook345 I won't copy yours
@Thelegitpilot13 OK
@aojun I will check it out
Can I make an Convair XF-92A?
I think I will build the flying tank and the no fuel car
Only 1389 points to Gold!!!!!
@TakicraftCorporation So do I
I was just wandering how on earth a car like this got so many upvotes?
@Planebuilder2122 Over. But now that I think about is that is kinda high. I will make it 150.
@beenz No
@Simpletanks11 No its my build.
Man Ive got a lot to do!
@Simpletanks11 What do u mean?
did you just change your pic. I really like space and that pics neat. I think its the Adromidary and the Milkyway Galaxies colliding.
That sounds cool
@Moha66 I will be play on and off all day on MP
I think I will give this a try
@Moha66 Okay
Im on it right now
Hey how about some MP
@GoofyAhhUser Correct
@Aarav Add a cockpit?
@beenz I have that mod. What im asking is that what i use to type my comments in MP
Is the command console what I would use to adjust the water level or refuel
Hey can you tell me how to chat in MP
I think I saw a video of it.
@jamesPLANEScdxxLXIX Nice. I hope that some day Im some were up there
@jamesPLANEScdxxLXIX Are you one of the top 5 ranking players on SP
How about in the late afternoon
@Moha66 Sure
@Moha66 Are you on MP often
@Moha66 Thanks Ive got it working
Looks nice
@Fish83828 Thanks
@Fish83828 Happy birthday! How old are you? I turned 14 on the 14th
@Gro Will it say "command not found"?
@Gro Thanks. So I push this ` I type like this "Hello and then I push enter
I think I found out what the problem was. Multiplayer mod does not like engines with no blades.
@aojun Ive got the blue prints. I will start this evening. Sorry Ive been really busy lately.
@JustWingIt Ok Thanks
@aojun Ok
Third place! Good job.
You came in second!! Good job.
You win!!! What do you want me to build you?
Sorry to hear about that
I am going to enter. I dont know If I will have time though. I have been very busy lately.
So you are I think the only person to make a plane for this challenge. You win
Sorry to hear about that
@asteroidbook345 I won't copy yours
@Thelegitpilot13 OK
@aojun I will check it out
Can I make an Convair XF-92A?
I think I will build the flying tank and the no fuel car
Only 1389 points to Gold!!!!!
@TakicraftCorporation So do I
I was just wandering how on earth a car like this got so many upvotes?
@Planebuilder2122 Over. But now that I think about is that is kinda high. I will make it 150.
@beenz No
@Simpletanks11 No its my build.
Man Ive got a lot to do!
@Simpletanks11 What do u mean?
@Simpletanks11 What do u mean?
did you just change your pic. I really like space and that pics neat. I think its the Adromidary and the Milkyway Galaxies colliding.
That sounds cool
@Moha66 I will be play on and off all day on MP
I think I will give this a try
@Moha66 Okay
Im on it right now
Hey how about some MP
@GoofyAhhUser Correct
@Aarav Add a cockpit?
@beenz I have that mod. What im asking is that what i use to type my comments in MP
Is the command console what I would use to adjust the water level or refuel
Hey can you tell me how to chat in MP
I think I saw a video of it.
@jamesPLANEScdxxLXIX Nice. I hope that some day Im some were up there
@jamesPLANEScdxxLXIX Are you one of the top 5 ranking players on SP
How about in the late afternoon
@Moha66 Sure
@Moha66 Are you on MP often
@Moha66 Thanks Ive got it working