@LowDetail Control as in handling - I don't really care about speed on the ground, as long as you can move, but if you can fly horizontally, it is probably possible to use the engines there to move....
@robloxweponco An X-plane is an experimental aircraft made by the US, e.g. the Bell X-1 was the first aircraft to break the sound barrier. Ever heard of the X-15? That type of thing.....
@GT3TobyRS yeah! Like my computer is quite fast (as you know, and I won't lecture you about exactly HOW good it is), but I don't think of it as such, until I use somebody else's machine, and I'm like "THIS IS SO PAINFULLY SLOW!!!!", and when I go back to my own machine, I'm like "Ah, this is so nice!"
@GT3TobyRS Thanks!
@LowDetail I thought that it would be nicer for all involved!
@UssInvincible I'll also post a score sheet under each aircraft!
So even if your plane looks rubbish, (say 1 out of ten) you will get 1 extra upvote over what you would have already!
@LowDetail Its simply move upvotes to you! There will be no winner!
@LowDetail I wasn't, but I probably should...
Thanks! @UssInvincible
Thanks! @SimpleEric @destroyerP @mikoyanster @SpartanAirplanes
Thanks! @Tully2001 @Athaya @BaconRoll @CRJ900Pilot
Gee, thanks! @SpartanAirplanes @Redecm @SimpleEric
@GT3TobyRS Yes, and thanks!
@UssInvincible I will!
@UssInvincible Sounds great!
@LowDetail The only limit is how big you can go without crashing your own machine. If yours can take it, mine can too!
@CRJ900Pilot Great!
@Multidimensional It's a free upvote to you, whether the aircraft is any good or not!
@Tully2001 I'll take that as a compliment....
Gee, thanks, @AudioDud3
Thanks! @boBylliB
@EternalDarkness Welcome!
Thanks! @GT3TobyRS
Thanks! @AudioDud3
Thanks! @Multidimensional
@Gestour Yes, and no! Let me change that! Thanks!
@corsair013 Yeah! THANKS!
@UssInvincible @LiamW Anything goes!
@LowDetail Control as in handling - I don't really care about speed on the ground, as long as you can move, but if you can fly horizontally, it is probably possible to use the engines there to move....
@GT3TobyRS Yeah! I do know about your channel! Good luck with the editing and fixing the textures!
Congrats on 100k! @EternalDarkness
Will an upvote do?
@GT3TobyRS Ok! Good luck!
PS If you didn't know how to nudge, then how on earth did you do such a good job?
@AudioDud3 Welcome!
@BaconRoll I don't know..... I hadn't even thought about it..... I'll download this aircraft, just in case, though!
@robloxweponco An X-plane is an experimental aircraft made by the US, e.g. the Bell X-1 was the first aircraft to break the sound barrier. Ever heard of the X-15? That type of thing.....
Very nice!
I would use the round engines that have the engine flaps, which I think would give a better look to the rear of the aircraft......
I have no idea why you call your designs ugly........... THEY'RE BRILLIANT!!!!!
This is BRILLIANT!!!! You kid yourself when you say this is ugly.... Why you aren't platinum yet is a mystery to me.....
I could mod an engine to 425 horse power if you want?
@GT3TobyRS yeah! Like my computer is quite fast (as you know, and I won't lecture you about exactly HOW good it is), but I don't think of it as such, until I use somebody else's machine, and I'm like "THIS IS SO PAINFULLY SLOW!!!!", and when I go back to my own machine, I'm like "Ah, this is so nice!"
@PilotWill Thanks!
Thanks! @GT3TobyRS
Thanks! @corsair013 @hayhayjam664 @SavagePlanes @TrainDude
@QingyuZhou Ok! I'll fix that!
@corsair013 I haven't downloaded it..... I can if you want me to, though?
+1@corsair013 Welcome!
@PilotWill It did! Look it up on google if you want definitive proof!
@PilotWill It's close enough....
Thanks! @BrianAircraftsNew @AudioDud3 @Thomasj041 @phanps
Gee, thanks! @QingyuZhou