hey umm @air123 this was stolen by a guy i cant quite remember his name and he blocked me. he has given zero credit and he has said that he has built this on his own.
(What you want to type)[https://www.google.com/search?q=chiki+briki&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US751&oq=chiki&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.11137j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=translate]
His name is cyber life.
hey umm @air123 this was stolen by a guy i cant quite remember his name and he blocked me. he has given zero credit and he has said that he has built this on his own.
@Chesty 2 why dont u look.
Omg not another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Ryn176 it would be easier for people to help you.
@Ryn176 dang why
@Creator02 And thats fine. Im not saying delete it or anything! Im happy to see new users.
At least this one isnt utter trash like some other ones.
@Creator02 not saying it a terrible design just saying its kinda old...
@Creator02 Franticmatty veiwer?
ok this is getting old why did this plane just now become popular this is the third one today and like the 8th one this week.
You should start up a discord server
@derpyman320 Upgraded it? i think you downgraded it if anything.
I never did that
you dont need my upvote.
+3@mysticreaper107 ohhhhhhhhh. sorry!
mystic creaper. good spelling.
eat my upvote!
@AstleyIndustries Incorrect use of a brain.
@CODENAMEBOB i was talking to the kid who made this sorry should have been more clear.
97 down syndromes!
@Chesty 47 down syndromes!
i just farted.
Bomb bag doors!
Look up @chesty on simpleplanes
what you want to type
(What you want to type)[https://www.google.com/search?q=chiki+briki&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US751&oq=chiki&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.11137j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=translate]
@mrferretairlines hi
@mrferretairlines hi
@mrferretairlines hi
@KabyLakeE jk