3,370 JustWingIt
Player Biography
About Me:
"A good pilot can fly anything that flies - and, with some difficulty, even things never meant to fly." -War Thunder hints
- Age: 15
- Gender: Male
- Platform: iPad 9th gen
- Location: Virginia. But you didn't need to know that.
- Where can you find me? Commenting, making lame attempts at humor, and especially procrastinating on builds.
- Interests: I like simpleplanes, so there's that. TheMoreYouKnow 🌠 . I play other games too, like Sea of Thieves, Roblox, War Robots, and PG3D. I also love to fly quads and RC Airplanes. I’m pretty good at modding Nerf Blasters too.
1000 downloads acheived! I don't know when I achieved this though.
50 upvotes achieved! It was like April 13 or 14 I think.
Thanks so much for bronze! And on my first upload! I'm going to keep at this and see what creations come out. I'm so grateful for you guys!
Obtained on 7/25/21
Finally, silver! Thanks to all of you who downloaded, upvoted and commented! A special thanks to RC1138Boss for making the final push to silver! I appreciate you all so much and I’ll try to keep building even during the school year.
Obtained on 8/19/21
3000 Points
3/5ths of the way to gold! Special thanks to Hii for helping my on my Ao Jun and motivating me, and a shoutout to MrCOPTY for giving the last upvote to 3k!
Obtained on 10/26/22