@Mattangi2 no I made it 2.3 years ago. My PC died 1.3 year ago. See my minisub for my last original.
I have simpleplanes on my phone but that allows me to fly, test planes but building is really, really hard. I can adjust some of my old builds, and that is about the extent of it. I haven't had an original build in a while. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/5s1gks/Pappagallo-lone-wolf
@Alucard it is because we know it is not an original build. And since he didn't give credits, he stole the build and it will soon be deleted anyways so there is no point in us up voting it.
@Gbhole Well I built it originally to pass the drag race tournaments, and then just kept going.
You can try if you can find a flat enough stretch of land.
@zuzu30 just download it, once it gives you the message you should have only a cockpit. Hit the back button and then hit the forward button and you will then have the Critter without mods. You can put half hemispheres in their place. I made this back before that update.
@Megamonster Ez naiz emakume ederra. Nahiko deitzen dizutena da, baina ez da korapiloa, ezaugarri nahiko simetrikoak, ilea ona (luzapenak) eta azal duina dituena. Eta beti izan dut segurtasun gehiegi, nire begiradek sekula asko nekatu didatela sinesteko, baina poliki-poliki desagertzen ari direnez, pentsamendu ildo horren zorakeria ikusten dut. Itxura onek mundu honetara urrunduko zaituzte, eta beren agerpenetik nortasun zati bat eratu duten emakume askok bezala, zahartzea garapen bereziki diabolikoa dela iruditzen zait. Maila batzuetan jakin nuen denbora guztiok datorrela, baina ez zitzaidan hainbeste axola egunen batean niretzat zirkulatuko zuen nozioa aitortzea.
@Trucker1000 first off. They're called chicken McNuggets.
Second off. you never get McNuggets and burger in a McDonald's combo. What do you think this is: Wendy's?
@Mattangi2 no I made it 2.3 years ago. My PC died 1.3 year ago. See my minisub for my last original.
I have simpleplanes on my phone but that allows me to fly, test planes but building is really, really hard. I can adjust some of my old builds, and that is about the extent of it. I haven't had an original build in a while. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/5s1gks/Pappagallo-lone-wolf
@Tikanami2020 yes but you really should give credit...
@OFP857 OK I apologize I see what happened, good job. I thought it was This one
@Alucard it is because we know it is not an original build. And since he didn't give credits, he stole the build and it will soon be deleted anyways so there is no point in us up voting it.
And not even a mention of @KidKromosone? who created this follow the successors.
OMG you made the ugliest Lamborghini uglier.
Life.. don't talk to me about life.
Every time I find somebody making something out of the Bugger I share this.
@MAHADI well I did minorly modify it for the challenge.
@MAHADI I'm going to reply to you on your post instead of mine to share with you a secret
I had one in stock that fit the bill.
Try flying this one
Thx @Killerking98
If you like the bubbly looking craft you should look in my profile, I got tons.
For example.
@HamzOOF I really wonder how it happened. My next highest is two thousand and something
@HamzOOF wow! That is a milestone. I'm lucky to get a couple hundred downloads on any of my other builds. And less than 1% like it.
Fires main gun. Explosion.
@Gbhole Well I built it originally to pass the drag race tournaments, and then just kept going.
You can try if you can find a flat enough stretch of land.
Really damn good, man.
@zuzu30 just download it, once it gives you the message you should have only a cockpit. Hit the back button and then hit the forward button and you will then have the Critter without mods. You can put half hemispheres in their place. I made this back before that update.
Wooden boat
@asteroidbook345 You could always just look at my profile.
@asteroidbook345 As far as I know hearing lies (incorrect information) is not against any rules.
@Boatrider well, here's to Corona
Sweet Jeebus! You a zombie?
Sweet zombie Jesus!
I am a fan of retro looking vehicles.
Really nice.
@thefalkenreich response
Looks good, but you forgot the gyroscope. Makes it really hard to fly without a gyroscope.
Hey, I'm in the same boat as you.
Hey, I'm in the same boat as you.
Angry dolphins
@Megamonster Ez naiz emakume ederra. Nahiko deitzen dizutena da, baina ez da korapiloa, ezaugarri nahiko simetrikoak, ilea ona (luzapenak) eta azal duina dituena. Eta beti izan dut segurtasun gehiegi, nire begiradek sekula asko nekatu didatela sinesteko, baina poliki-poliki desagertzen ari direnez, pentsamendu ildo horren zorakeria ikusten dut. Itxura onek mundu honetara urrunduko zaituzte, eta beren agerpenetik nortasun zati bat eratu duten emakume askok bezala, zahartzea garapen bereziki diabolikoa dela iruditzen zait. Maila batzuetan jakin nuen denbora guztiok datorrela, baina ez zitzaidan hainbeste axola egunen batean niretzat zirkulatuko zuen nozioa aitortzea.
just another Flying Saucer
Trim up only about halfway at Full Throttle or else it tilts your nose into a nosedive
@Trucker1000 first off. They're called chicken McNuggets.
Second off. you never get McNuggets and burger in a McDonald's combo. What do you think this is: Wendy's?
You are full of it.
I'm playing Fallout 4 instead of simple planes.
Oh come-on, I gave you the hex code for cornflower blue. I like the silver one if these are my choices though.
Inspiration for your future move
Cornflower blue. #6495ED
@Freerider2142 lesson learned.
Pretty good but try this set up. or this one
Hmmmmm. remembers his Old Post, Solid Gold Dancers, and thinks maybe something could be done.
@LegoBuilderRUS ...and
@LegoBuilderRUS not quite. But my dad was a boomer. (And he had no lasers.)
Nice aim.
@AtlasSP you are the only one to mention me anymore. 😪😫😥
@Charris969 indeed!