Could you build C-2A?
!alt text Test
alt text tset
Heading 1
"Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not suported"
@114player514 正是我的电脑被这架黑鹰的坠毁所崩溃
@su34 serach VirtaviaA-4SkyhawkDTGManual.pdf
Could you add the control of turrents?
High wingload makes this plane heavy to control.Can you add the wing area?
@LittleCheng 这是滑翔(手动)制导炸弹,我在官网见过能手动操纵的
@LittleCheng 拆腻子
These should also be added to the USS Beast
Can you build a FedEx's MD-11F?
@Graingy It covers my and others words
@Commander9013 Because everyone play in MP in different time.I like to play in CN server at UTF-8 20:00,meanwhile Amercian are sleeping.
Chinese Baidu Tieba server: Japan server: Korean server:https://rebirths.kr/spserver/
Could you add instructions and flaps to your following planes?
the Control of the propeller's pitch is automatic
@AWACSgodess Some crafts have the same name and type,but their quality is different
@AWACSgodess In that way,I can't identify links directly
@su34 你谷歌一下 VirtaviaA-4SkyhawkDTGManual.pdf
But drop a fuel fuselage is also bomb
Curtiss AT-9 Jeep
@MrCOPTY that's chinese character
@Finnqzzzz that's chinese character
@Tookan No,it's a part of some well build or meaingful planes.
@SimpleplanesJP11 Maybe it's a bug
Can you make machine guns operational?
@MrSilverWolf But I fixed it's engine
Here is A-4 flight manual. https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/491492/manuals/VirtaviaA-4SkyhawkDTGManual.pdf?t=1537257794
@Deeznutz10182 Because engines' throttle iuput is:"clamp(Throttle, 0.05, 1)".You can turn 0.05 into 0.
@Deandash “航向台,又称“跑道定位信标台”。是指仪表着陆系统中,为航空器提供相对于跑道中心线方位引导的地面无线电信标台。其天线阵架设在跑道末端以外的一定距离处”----百度百科
Where is that C-46?
Some changes happended.It's aerodynamic performance got bad
It's landing gears can't hold up entirely
Engines's max thrust should be 845000N and it's Wing Loading is too high
Compared with DC-10,MD-11 has bigger wings,longer fuselage, smaller horizontal stabilizer and wingtip winglets
@realSavageMan @Suubk27 @GalacticaAsia @UsernameTH5 @AliceArisuShimada
+5Could you build C-2A?
+2!alt text Test
+2alt text tset
+2Heading 1
+2"Setting linear velocity of a kinematic body is not suported"
+1@114player514 正是我的电脑被这架黑鹰的坠毁所崩溃
+1@su34 serach VirtaviaA-4SkyhawkDTGManual.pdf
+1Could you add the control of turrents?
+1High wingload makes this plane heavy to control.Can you add the wing area?
+1@LittleCheng 这是滑翔(手动)制导炸弹,我在官网见过能手动操纵的
+1@LittleCheng 拆腻子
+1These should also be added to the USS Beast
+1Can you build a FedEx's MD-11F?
+1@Graingy It covers my and others words
@Commander9013 Because everyone play in MP in different time.I like to play in CN server at UTF-8 20:00,meanwhile Amercian are sleeping.
Chinese Baidu Tieba server:
Japan server:
Korean server:https://rebirths.kr/spserver/
Could you add instructions and flaps to your following planes?
the Control of the propeller's pitch is automatic
@AWACSgodess Some crafts have the same name and type,but their quality is different
@AWACSgodess In that way,I can't identify links directly
@su34 你谷歌一下 VirtaviaA-4SkyhawkDTGManual.pdf
But drop a fuel fuselage is also bomb
Curtiss AT-9 Jeep
@MrCOPTY that's chinese character
@Finnqzzzz that's chinese character
@Tookan No,it's a part of some well build or meaingful planes.
@SimpleplanesJP11 Maybe it's a bug
The front landing gear can't retract
Can you make machine guns operational?
@MrSilverWolf But I fixed it's engine
Here is A-4 flight manual.
Crane magnet only activate after it was open and off
@Deeznutz10182 Because engines' throttle iuput is:"clamp(Throttle, 0.05, 1)".You can turn 0.05 into 0.
@Deandash “航向台,又称“跑道定位信标台”。是指仪表着陆系统中,为航空器提供相对于跑道中心线方位引导的地面无线电信标台。其天线阵架设在跑道末端以外的一定距离处”----百度百科
Where is that C-46?
Some changes happended.It's aerodynamic performance got bad
It's landing gears can't hold up entirely
Engines's max thrust should be 845000N and it's Wing Loading is too high
Compared with DC-10,MD-11 has bigger wings,longer fuselage, smaller horizontal stabilizer and wingtip winglets