0 Killer123562 Comments

  • Douglas A-1 Skyraider 2.6 years ago

    All the leaves are brown
    And the sky is grey
    I've been for a walk
    On a winters day
    If I didn't tell her
    I could leave today
    California dreamin
    On such a winters day

  • Kawasaki Ki-61-1-Otsu Hien 2.6 years ago

    Looks great! Can't wait to fly it but if I could make an suggestion I personally would love to see an Bell P-59 there's not many VR ones that I know of and I would love for you to make one

  • Kawasaki Ki-45 kai hei "Toryu" 2.8 years ago

    Honestly I appreciate the simplicity of the cockpits yeah nice detailed interiors are nice but I'd rather have it simple to keep parts down while being able to fly the only real thing I would like is an engine on/Off switch or a starter so it's not anchored to the throttle but I can't actually express how grateful I am to have good flying realistic and rather obscure aircraft that I like but I'd probably fly ones that I didn't like if you made them because they are so fun to fly and because of the lack of interiors I can actually use them as bots to have some nice dogfights Because of the detailed exterior so thank you Anton there's not alot of good VR aircraft for quest but you make the best in personal experience there's a few others but your the one who's aircraft i fly the most

  • Kawasaki Ki-45 kai hei "Toryu" 2.8 years ago

    Honestly Anton you might not have the most interior decorated aircraft but in 1000% certainty I look forward to every one of your aircraft because of the realistic flight characteristics and detailed exterior and I honestly have all of your aircraft because of it I honestly want to make a suggestion for an aircraft the P-80 Shooting Star or P-59 Airacobra since they are WW2 jet fighters I would love to see and have them thank you for your amazing work and keep it up

  • Mil Mi-8 2.5 years ago