0 KingCheese Comments

  • Golden DJI box drone 7.6 years ago

    I'm gonna need uh, small loan of a million dollars

  • Passing butter robot 7.6 years ago

    Im mr.Meeseeks! Look at me! Existence is pain!!!

  • AH-64 Apache S E 7.6 years ago

    @phanps lol, thats what I was trying to reference. Gold Star!

  • AH-64 Apache S E 7.6 years ago

    I guess that I niw sexually identify as a wolf

  • Bored need ideas 7.6 years ago

    The rocket will be kinda hard to get working, but it's a pretty simple build, whilst the Aurora and the Sunbeam require immense detail

  • Bored need ideas 7.6 years ago

    It really just depends how mych time you wanna put into the project, and how much detail your willing to go into

  • Bored need ideas 7.6 years ago

    @cars001 presonally, I think the only difference between the Aurora and the Sunbeam is the size. The Aurora is BIG and probably not very mobile friendly while the Sunbeam is more of a normal size, the endgame rocket is real cool but there aren't mant pictures out considering it's not fully implemented into the game yet, so that'd be a little hard until it comes out.

  • Bored need ideas 7.6 years ago

    Have you ever heard of the game Subnautica? I think that making the Aurora, the Sunbeam, or the endgame rocket would be real cool!