@Spikerya I lost the project file while I was trying to clear some disk space :( … But, I may or may not be working on a new track with android support
@Gestour , This is a mostly unrelated thing, but for your GPWS mod, how did you determine the pitch and bank angle of the aircraft? I figure it was from using ...PlayerAircraft.MainCockpitRotation, but is that in local space or world?
@HellFireKoder @Gestour This is the basic summary of whats happening.
- Open Unity 5.3.6f1
- Open a project with nothing but the untouched ModTools in the Assets
- Create a new .cs script with a generic name, like AutopilotBehavior.cs
- Add it to a Game Object
- Select the G.O., then open the mod builder dialogue, and click "Save Selected Game Objects"
- Click "Save Mod - PC"
Nothing appears under the "Assemblies" dropdown menu.
@HellFireKoder I extracted the .zip using a different program, and it now produces the .unitypackage correctly. However, upon building the mod, and loading it into the game correctly, none of the scripts I've added function, or show any evidence of even existing.
@HellFireKoder I downloaded it from the Modding Wiki subreddit. I've tried extracting the .zip, but all of the assets are still encoded/not present. I did however take the ModTools from one of the example mods, and it seems to work.
However, it doesn't solve my original problem of the scripts not compiling into a .dll
@HellFireKoder Ah. I think it might be something to do with the version of ModTools I'm using, but I can't use the version from the Subreddit, because it downloads as a .zip file, and when I change the extension to import it, it says that all files are already in my project. Which they're not.
@Gestour I've never had to use the ServiceProvider class before, and as such it is very unfamiliar to me. And while I think I have a pretty good grasp now on how to use it, my main problem is the thing we're discussing on my other post, about scripts not compiling. See you there!
@Gestour I know the Unity engine pretty well, since I've been using it for standalone indy games for about three years. What I'm having trouble with is building SimplePlanes mods.
@Gestour @HellFireKoder Is this when I build the player? I didn't think I had to do that for mods. When I click "Save Mod - PC", it just says "Mod Saved etc"
@Winstonlharambe Link my dude?
@SuperSix XD
@Spikerya yeet
@Spikerya I lost the project file while I was trying to clear some disk space :( … But, I may or may not be working on a new track with android support
+1Pretty good! One thing I would recommend is moving the fuel to behind the cockpit, and using pitch to control the engine, not VTOL
better than most people will tell you, you actually can install mods contrary to popular belief
@HellFireKoder Thankee, my fellow! Just be sure to to tell me about it. Although I'll probably hear it anyways
@Kerbango my dood knows whats up
+1@FastDan mhm ok
@xXRaindropXx Still tho
@HellFireKoder I reckon that as a Dev, you're understandably pretty occupied with the SR2 release, but is there anything final you might suggest?
@FastDan yes you did
@RamboJutter reeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
@AWESOMENESS360 Imagine if WWII could've been prevented by clicking "Translate to English"
@spefyjerbf Lol it looks like the same plane duplicating and shrinking
@DPSAircraftManufacturer Thanks for reminding me :)
+1Plot twist: Jundroo secretly broke his leg so he would play their games
+2@AdlerSteiner inhales BOI
+1@HellFireKoder | macOS 10.12.6 (16G1314). Also, did remember to enable the mod.
@ThePilotDude We need more WWIII planes
@Gestour , This is a mostly unrelated thing, but for your GPWS mod, how did you determine the pitch and bank angle of the aircraft? I figure it was from using ...PlayerAircraft.MainCockpitRotation, but is that in local space or world?
@HellFireKoder Nope. Doesn't show anything in assemblies, either.
It adds 2m/s to the airspeed when you press 9, right?
@Deadly8Nightshade "SimpleVehicles" also yassssss
@HellFireKoder Alright, I sent an email with a link to a Google Drive file, since it won't let me attach a .zip for security reasons
@HellFireKoder @Gestour This is the basic summary of whats happening.
- Open Unity 5.3.6f1
- Open a project with nothing but the untouched ModTools in the Assets
- Create a new .cs script with a generic name, like AutopilotBehavior.cs
- Add it to a Game Object
- Select the G.O., then open the mod builder dialogue, and click "Save Selected Game Objects"
- Click "Save Mod - PC"
Nothing appears under the "Assemblies" dropdown menu.
@Mostly No u
@Kerbango This title is as big a lie as the "Holy Roman Empire"
+2@Bman01 "Babab" made me laugh harder than I should've
+1@Kerbango "SimpleAnythingButPlanes"
@SuperSix 🅱️i🅱️🅱️Ha🅱️🅱️s🅱️i🅱️🅱️r
@SuperSix more like 🅱️uper🅱️ix
@HellFireKoder And I have built the mod properly. I noticed this issue after I loaded the mod into the game.
@flyingsteve88 "NotSimpleNotPlanes"
@Minecraftpoweer BinecraftBoweer
@HellFireKoder I extracted the .zip using a different program, and it now produces the .unitypackage correctly. However, upon building the mod, and loading it into the game correctly, none of the scripts I've added function, or show any evidence of even existing.
I have examined the log, to no avail.
@BACconcordepilot I like where this is going
@Minecraftpoweer but what if yes
@HellFireKoder @Gestour Is there a certain "using" directive I should have? Maybe the GameObject needs to be given a certain tag?
@HellFireKoder Update: nothing worked
@HellFireKoder I downloaded it from the Modding Wiki subreddit. I've tried extracting the .zip, but all of the assets are still encoded/not present. I did however take the ModTools from one of the example mods, and it seems to work.
However, it doesn't solve my original problem of the scripts not compiling into a .dll
@HellFireKoder Ah. I think it might be something to do with the version of ModTools I'm using, but I can't use the version from the Subreddit, because it downloads as a .zip file, and when I change the extension to import it, it says that all files are already in my project. Which they're not.
@HellFireKoder I've been using 5.3.6, not 5.3.6f1. I will try that now and report the results
Also if this is what it was the entire time I shall be very cross
@Gestour I've never had to use the ServiceProvider class before, and as such it is very unfamiliar to me. And while I think I have a pretty good grasp now on how to use it, my main problem is the thing we're discussing on my other post, about scripts not compiling. See you there!
@Gestour I know the Unity engine pretty well, since I've been using it for standalone indy games for about three years. What I'm having trouble with is building SimplePlanes mods.
@Gestour @HellFireKoder Is this when I build the player? I didn't think I had to do that for mods. When I click "Save Mod - PC", it just says "Mod Saved etc"
@HellFireKoder Yes, multiple times.